America is starting to realize that "liberal/conservative" labels exclude the left

Yeah, just use the Imperial system (with a few minor changes aimed at giving short measure) and call it “American Customary Units”!


I was expecting this one


This is getting utterly confusing…

High time to set an ISO standard or something.


I never quite liked “progressive” because… well just about anyone, of any viewpoint, believes that their way is the way of progress. That being said, it’s fairly obvious what’s being meant by it, so I have no serious objection. I just never quite liked it.


The sad state of our “pint” glasses drives me to distraction.


Most “western” industrialized nations have something resembling a labor party. If we had one of those in America, I imagine that Progressives and other folks on the left would occasionally enjoy political representation.


Exactly. It was a Conservative prime minister, David Cameron, who got gay marriage legalised in the UK, and it seems to have been a matter of genuine principle for him. And for that, he gets my respect.

But I’m never going to forget that it was him and his grinning arsewipe of a sidekick George Osborne that pushed “austerity” on us after his banker mates fucked the country into a cocked hat.


Context: The New York Times is establishment corporate propaganda. They have no interest in actually informing their readership of why a growing proportion of the country is disgusted with so-called liberals, who are actually neo-Liberals. It’s impossible to deny that “liberals” (and their media like NYT and NPR) are largely teammates to conservatives in their ongoing and enthusiastic support for criminal and murderous wars, the surveillance state, and fascist corporatocracy.


That would be a liberal view, yes.

A “working” society that oppresses individuals is by and large, an iniquitous thing.


You should really try to use more clichés. That’s what they’re there for!


A 'alf litre ain’t enough. It don’t satisfy. And a 'ole litre’s too much.


Two thirds of a litre will do nicely.

E could 'a drawed me off a pint!

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True, but liberal=Tory.

Same thing when the chips are down. You know what they will choose, and you know they will have some sanctimonious excuse for why it’s not possible for them to do what they really, really would like. All things being equal. Which they never are.

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It was also the Conservatives who introduced Section 28 (because there is no such thing as LGBT children) and tried to put wrecking amendments in the Gender Recognition Act 2004.

It was also the Tories attitudes to trans people and Section 28 that caused David Cameron’s predecessor as MP for Witney to cross the floor to the Labour Party. Shaun Woodward’s sister is a trans woman, The Scum lived up to it’s nickname when they outed her as they often did “in the public interest”.

I find it hard to forgive the party when many of the same people responsible are still in the Houses of Parliament.



This, with several other permutations. As an atheist libertarian conservative who is not opposed to all government programs on principle and who supports gay marriage but is suspicious of sharia, I pretty much can’t go anywhere without some sort of a dust-up.


We live in an age when peoples’ beliefs and allegiances to particular ideologies are easily manipulated by the rote repetition of propaganda and fake news, so to me the idea of political labeling seems anathema to human individuation, even though I agree that people will invariably find labels for themselves or more often their opponents. I just sort of owned the term for myself, because fuck all of them.


As for myself, I’ve just spent the past 20 years self-labeling as a “liberal” in response to the ongoing massive right wing smear campaign against anyone or anything that opposes their regressive policies to which they applied “liberal” as an umbrella term.

I’m not a fan of “progressive”, but it’s close enough.

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Same here. Except when describing my attitudes toward hot fudge on sundaes.

I think the problem isn’t that we label political parties, like @Mister44 said, part of the problem is insisting everyone fit a label. And the even bigger problem is that we don’t all agree on what the definition of the labels are. Is this political polarization moving us toward a country of dialects, where we can’t understand each other anymore, even if we try?