America: where hundreds of thousand of underage girls are married off by their parents

But you can get in a car wreck even if you’re not in a car at the time. And you can get STDs even if you’re not engaging in genital-to-genital activity. You can even get pregnant without penile penetration.

But teens who don’t get proper sex ed don’t know that.




Sure they do!   It’s right there in the Bible!

######Sorry, sorry, couldn’t resist, I’ll see myself out


Hence I said we were doing a disservice by teaching abstinence only. Just it is the best method of avoiding. I was lucky and got a fairly comprehensive sex ed going from reproductive nuts and bolts to diseases to even some aspects of the psychological aspects.

I want that to be the normal. Something seen as so mundane it is unremarkable rather than so taboo you must try it.

To my way of thinking, as a ‘solution’, abstinence is the best (and perhaps only real) aphrodisiac. Go without; prime the spout.


… and imagine how the girls feel.


I have to agree. I went to a Catholic school, and some of my school mates dropped out to get married. They were all 16; that is, they could legally drop out. One did it on her birthday.

“3rd world” makes it sound like people of European descent aren’t doing this. They totally are. Oh, it’s not a forced marriage as such, but you know, so-and-so’s son, he wants to get married, and his dad and your dad, they go way back, right back to the old country! And his son, he thinks you’re pretty. He likes you. You want your husband to like you, don’t you? Oh, if you insult him by saying “no”, it would kill us. Everyone would know. We’d lose all our friends. We’d never be able to hold our heads up in church again.

So won’t you marry him? We’ll give you a big wedding, like for a princess, and a house and a car. We’ll be so proud, you all grown up. Don’t you want to make us proud?


I can only respond to this by saying: EEWWWW!!!1!!!1


It’s only an effective solution if teens actually adhere to it. So saying “encouraging abstinence is the best way to reduce teen pregnancy” is kind of like saying “asking people to follow the law is the best way to reduce crime.”


I get that you’re commenting on the hipocrisy of proposing abstinence, I gave you a like for that.
For that same reason, abstinence isn’t an option if you want to stop teen pregnancy, because it doesn’t stop teen pregnancy, the same way it doesn’t stop adult pregnancy, or marriage pregnancy. That is, abstaining from sex is not done as a deterrent for anybody who is not having sex already.

Edited for clarity.


I get that you mean something by that, and I sort of understand it, but there’s too many assumptions to parse out without already partaking of your particular world view.
For one, i don’t believe the thing you are refuting is anything like blackmail, you’ll need to make a case for it before I can see where you’re coming from.

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Oh for fuck’s same…

‘The best way to not get pregnant is not not have sex. However since you WILL have sex here is a comprehensive breakdown of everything that is on the market.’

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“Oh Baby, You Know What I Like”

Jerry Lee Lewis and his 13 year old bride… Don’t worry, it is not creepy because they are cousins and he is not really divorced from his second wife yet…

It is good to see how far we have come in 60 years…


But I actually understood it. Congress under Reagan in the early 80’s held highway funding hostage for states refusing to increase the legal drinking age to 21. My cheesy homestate and the Big Easy state were the final holdouts. In WI, the governor wanted to get I-39 done. Not that it’s significantly different between Madison and Wausau than it was when Bart Starr was the Packers coach, but it’s freeway to almost Tomahawk now instead of 2-lane US highway. Great for tourism!


But if you will have sex then “not having sex” isn’t even an option to consider. In fact, it is isn’t even the ideal form of birth control for people who regularly have sex. Even then in order to be effective there’s things to know, not just don’t have sex, an understanding of your or your partners menstrual cycle is required. Abstinece based sexual education requires you to teach when it is safe to have sex when not to and how effective it really is, which varies from person to person. I’m assuming we all understand that at some point we know someone will have sex, even if it is when they get married.

That is if we are talking about abstinence as a birth control method, otherwise we are just talking about avoiding the issue altogether.


So why are you talking to me like I am stupid? I acknowledge sex will be jhad even as I go ‘this is ideal scenario. Because ideal WILL NOT HAPPEN here are sane methods that have a fairly good set of odds of working if used correctly.’ I do not recall going 'durr durr ABSTINANCE ONLY so what the hell is with you and everyone else on thread? I said from the start to ignore every other method is madness.

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Consensual sex is a perfectly normal part of post-pubescent human life.

That simple statement is the hard part for a significant percentage of the population in the U.S. And from there, all our problems on this subject stem.


Back off. You challenged my point and I responded. Politely.
You have a point to make then make it, just don’t cry foul because we don’t agree.
Chill :pill:

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Possibly because your opening gambit was to describe abstinence as “naturally” the best solution? I mean, I think you now acknowledge that abstinence is actually a terrible solution? But its hard to be sure since you keep circling back to it, like you’re upset that we live in this world, rather than some hypothetical other world where people are mindless, soulless automatons who don’t respond to the physiological and psychological needs?



Maslow’s hierarchy of needs was never anything more than an unsupported hypothesis pulled from Maslow’s arse. It’s been thoroughly debunked since then.