Try 9000 months!
Your post upthread says 20 milligrams per week. Not 775 milligrams, but 775 grams!
Dear Gods! Yeah, that’s insane. At that point you could just use the weed to bludgeon someone to death. (I don’t know how I missed g vs mg with your followup about the amount of actual weed required to get to that level.)
Although hey, I did say over nine months!
Well no shit. The under 30 crowd is drinking a lot less these days
And yes, it is wild to see billboards for weed everywhere in Michigan.
Last time I drove through MI (route 32 I think), it seemed like EVERY billboard was for weed, wine or religion.
From the article: “In 2022, the survey recorded an estimated 17.7 million daily cannabis users, higher for the first time than the estimate of 14.7 million daily drinkers.”
Hah! Higher for second and third and fourth and fifth and sixth times too, I’d say ;-)~
then bakes them
andinto their roommates.
I was skimming this thread (there’s a hockey game on!) and misread your comment. Very confused me.
Full disclosure: I may have consumed cannabis earlier.
I may have consumed cannabis before writing that. Nice strain called Tropical Cherry.
Sorry I messed with yr head. 'Twere unintentional, I assure you.
weed, wine or religion.
Band name!
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