An 8-year-old con artist ran a brilliant grift to get out of going to school over Zoom

No, it sounds like a kid who doesn’t want to do the established program.

If the kid has access to the kind of engaging content she needs to be engaged with, then she’s likely to want to deal with that.

I’m paying for online courses that are currently being zoomed, and HOLY CRAP is this making my eyeballs slide around. Something about zoom learning just makes your brain try and smooth itself out to let zoom delivered content slide off, like water off of a duck soaked in hydrophobic paint…

I like the online learning stuff that does not use zoom, but I’m an adult and this is an 8 year old kid.

Get her content that works for her, and she, will be fine / less trouble for others.


That’s so cute.

My son is autistic and remembers passwords (had to change my passwords 6 times since Covid started).

It’s gotten so bad that I’ve gotten into fights with my wife for not covering the screen when he’s in the room and she’s setting them up for him and his sisters,

(At least if he knows the passwords, he will share them with his sisters, so that’s good sibling relations).


I think they did know this. They just didn’t know why it was locking her out when she had the correct password. They didn’t know what she was doing on her end, which was purposely logging off then using an incorrect password multiple times. Once the mom and the teacher and the tech got involved, they were timed out and had to wait.

I don’t think the teachers have access to student keystrokes. (Note: when I taught and had to monitor student computers, it was strictly their desktop view. Couldn’t see passwords.)

Perhaps a higher up Zoom tech person can see the keystrokes with the attempts, but I’m guessing that the average tech support at Zoom or in a school doesn’t have this access.


Hopefully her next step will be to lock her teacher out with the same method and free her whole class for a while.

Should be possible if she knows the teacher’s email address and tries it while they are certainly logged off.


Future head of S.H.I.E.L.D.

No, scratch that, more like HYDRA



I’m an admin on Zoom and definitely can see nothing like that. I can see when someone’s processor or memory is overloaded and if they have broadband issues. Possibly. I cannot see anything on their computer they don’t show me apart from that system performance data.


I’ll say that’s ingenious but not brilliant

Brilliant would be knowing that you’ll eventually get caught, so you write up a paper ahead of time that it’s all “an experiment” for extra credit, with some kind of goal and sets of data to collect, that way you have an excuse when you’re caught.

Of course then it would just be schoolwork all over again. . . .


That makes sense. I definitely don’t think Zoom provides keystroke capture, even on school versions. But you’d think they’d figure out that she was locked out due to entering the password too many times and they’d ask more questions about that.

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Finnish forest school. Or just give her a hatchet and a box of matches and hope for the best.


SRE who has professional experience developing on the client side: no, no one at zoom has that information. If the zoom client had a keylogger built in, the security scandal it caused would make the zoombombing scandals from last year look like a nothingburger. They would lose all of their financial clients overnight and a huge portion of the rest in very short order.


Oh wow! I missed this part of the story. Imagine being rewarded this much for conning your parents. You’re gonna get away with EVERYTHING.


Yeah, I figured as much.

She is super clever, and this is something you’d expect from a HS student. I’m very impressed!

Basically the same plot as every poltergeist case ever, too.

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Remember…for a good long while, S.H.I.E.L.D. was infiltrated by HYDRA.


There’s a joke that lazy people are the best programmers because they don’t want to do it twice.


This is what happens, when adults forget children have brains and their own, perfectly valid (at least to them) motives.

This was Phase 1.

Phase 2 is that she “accidentally” clicks on a bunch of spam links and gets every ransomware virus in existence locking up the family computer.

If she has to move to phase 3, she starts digging up internet backbone cables.

Your move, Dad.

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Isn’t the tradition to give them a rake? /s

She has her whole life ahead of her to forget multiple passwords…


In this instance, how about showing a message to say the account has been locked due to too many incorrect logins? If Zoom doesn’t want to let hackers know that’s what’s happened, they could only show the message if someone had recently successfully logged in from that IP address on that device.

Again, device and IP address combo. They must have been able to see multiple failed logins from the user’s location.

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