An Army colonel is in trouble for complaining that a $500k gas station cost $43 million to build
174 Mirwais Hospital Road

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Do not look at the bird laying golden eggs, sonny. Do not take pictures of it. Do not talk about it.


Do not taunt happy fun bird.


A fracking shame.

FTFY. You can find this happening with all governments

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You can find it happening with MANY governments, but we are the undisputed world champions at this sort of thing! Of course if we aren’t careful China is going to surpass us with their building of entire empty cities.

Also, really it doesn’t matter where it happens or how much it happens, it is unacceptable no matter what. The “but everyone else is doing it” excuse doesn’t really fly! :slight_smile: well unless you are in kindergarten! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We used to build empty cities too, for a while.

switch to satellite view.


In Germany after the war they converted a lot of their trucks, cars, and tractors to run off of wood gassification and straw gassification. the engine doesn’t need any conversion at all, just hook the gas up to the air intake. most of the work is adding the parts to hold the bio material in such a way that the flame is drawn down through the material resulting in the most unburned gas with the least amount of creosote. People don’t realize that gas engines can run on a large range of gasses quite easily with little adjustment. My neighbor converted an old truck to run off of wood gas. you do have to clean out the buildup of cresote in the engine every so often using solvents but other then that it is a pretty cool conversion.


He’s cornered the market on alternative fuels in the middle east and north asia.

(and cotton)

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That first image is an Adler, innit?
They made some beautiful cars back in the days.

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You have haven’t thought it through.

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Screw driving! The ground is for the unenlightened masses anyway. With a rig like that you’re 2 steps away from your own derigible.


some modern vehicles are equipped with wood gas generators, like this Volvo 240

(image stolen here, the blog post is worth a read)


If these images are any indication, NaturalGasPunk is going to be the next big thing.


The feds are really big on not disclosing anything to the media right now. I can’t speak about before the last couple years, but you can be in serious trouble in DoD financial circles for disposing so much as a post it note.

Yoiks, I stand corrected.

You could clearly build a cheap, totally unsafe thin tank that will hold ridiculous amounts of nat gas. In fact I suppose the only limit would be the weight of your car (because if you manage to achieve lift it’s not a car any more, it’s most likely a blimp).

Watch out for low bridges, I guess!

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Government institutions are also famous for quasi-legal contracting:

“Hey, we just got some invoices for that construction work.”

“Pay those and write up a contract.”

sometimes , perhaps , certainly not always , but sometimes pricing anomalies in the us of a military and related spending are due to attempts to cover up budgets for " black ops " . of course , ineptitude and chicanery also occur , sometimes all 3 ( and more ) on the same project !! many unusual aspects of humanoid behaviour are multiply determined ~