An attempt to chart media brands on the fake-real spectrum

Glad to know it wasn’t just me.

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This was obvious fake news though. Weekly World News was satire. The stuff we’re seeing today is more like real news that’s completely fabricated but nobody’s supposed to know it’s fabricated.


This is scary stuff to me. Maybe it being in print makes it seem more real to me, but something about being confronted by blatantly pro-Tr*mp, blatantly fake news headlines at Safeway is disturbing. It feels like having some mouth piece for the KKK being there or something.


That was neat! Laughably top-heavy. (But now HTML5 vector/motion graphics would be nicer. Little breadcrumb badges to account for how warm, crowded and ‘fun to watch’ one’s current jaunt has gone. Maybe a subcharting for the ad bookings of the moment.)
Was the Drudge Report somehow on the lower left? What about the Guardian then? Surely a time for props for OTG (on the ground…e.g. Syria) news?


I had never heard of any of them. I do wonder if they will be a growth niche over the next four years.

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I think there are at least a few BB regulars who could create a better chart. Also, CBS News is missing on this one. And yes, as others have said, the super-far-left ones – I’ve never heard of them.


Well, there has been an uptick in Cory posts…

I hope that we can counter fake news with real news. The problem being that it is easier and faster to create compelling fake news than to report compelling and complex real news. The recent post of the Trump putting foxes in every hen house ad shows that it is hard to even create compelling ads about a pretty simple series of contradictions by Tr*mp. Emotion sells. Facts bore.


Yes, I wondered about the inclusion of the BBC and the Guardian. I presume this is a chart of sources of news used by US residents - are these two in that category? (genuine question, and not a loaded one!)

It’s more that Ukip were highly visible (in a “look what they’ve done now”) sense, whereas the Greens came across as boring and not worthy of mention in the context of ‘TV news as entertainment’ - the BBC certainly isn’t immune to sensationalism.

The BBC is generally considered “a bit lefty”, so it’s good to see someone suggest the reverse. Personally, I think that if both sides claim that a news source is biased against them, they’re doing something right!

I love how the New York Times is in the ostensible sweet center of truthiness given editorial policies on things like refusing to label any US detention or interrogation technique “torture,” the pro-Israel/anti-Palestine bias in terms of dedicated field-reporters, etc.


They are for me.

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BBC entertainment is a bit lefty, but the news has always been conservative leaning.

As we are discussing fake news, let me submit the Battle of Orgreave as evidence. Just a little bit of editing and the police attacking people on strike turns into strikers attacking the police.


Yep. Plenty of right wingers in senior roles at the Beeb: Andrew Neil, Nick Robinson, Laura Kuenssberg, John Humphrys, Chris Patten…

Where is Jacobin on this chart?

Hell, where’s Buzzfeed News? Mother Jones? Politico? New Statesman?


Exactly…The irony runs deep that this has been viewed 1.6 million times at this point, but is totally uncredited (unless I don’t know how to read the IMGUR interface) and is presented with little commentary besides the lukewarm/humble-so-it-actually-makes-it-seems-more-believable headline of “decent.” Are we this hungry for a meta-analysis of the “fake news” issue that we’ll take a random, jpeg-lossy tumbleweed blowing across the ledges?


But, but, it has pictures and text, all combined into an integrated and easily digested whole! It must be true!


Speaking of…

I would gather that some consider NPR to be Liberal because of all the human interest pieces.

“Bleeding Heart” Liberal, as it were. Not their actual treatment of issues.


Historical revisionsm is a bitch. The Executive Editor on the Word ‘Torture’


IKR? The symmetry is ridiculous.


I came to this thread to ask the same question :thumbsup:

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