An end to Japanese whaling programs

Citation for what ? need me to jump on a time machine and bring you articles from the future that show that Australia didn’t stop the Crusade on japan ?

or Want Citation that Japan is not European ?

Sea Shepherd will continue to fuck the Japanese - and anyone else who cares to hunt whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

If you actually cared to find out anything about the organisation, you’d realise they aren’t scared of anyone. You could read this on wikipedia, but you’re more interested in perpetuating your ignorance than learning the facts.

The first direct action undertaken by Sea Shepherd was against Canadian seal hunting in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in March 1979. Also in 1979, the group made headlines when, for the first time, they rammed a whaling vessel, the notorious pirate whaling vessel Sierra. Such acts continued with Sea Shepherd claiming responsibility for damaging or sinking multiple whaling vessels through sabotage or ramming. The group has attempted to intervene against Russian, Spanish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Makah, Faroese, and Japanese whalers in multiple campaigns around the globe.

Because Russia, Spain, Norway and Iceland aren’t in Europe or anything, are they?

[mod edit: removed insults]


Man, don’t cross this guy. He has smoke coming out of his teapot spout.
Nuke the gay whales for Jeebus!
Nuke the gay whales for Jeebus!
Nuke the gay whales for Jeebus!

Just tired of people espousing idiocy when you can type 3% of the words they’ve used in their comment into google and find that the exact opposite of what they’re claiming is true.

People seem to think that merely having an opinion is all that’s required these days, irrespective of how much research they have or haven’t done on the subject.


Who’s going to enforce it? Greenpeace, in their rubber rafts?

and now how do we get them to stop herding and slaughtering migrating dolphins?
I mean the Canadians are chastised for killing seals (even though they no longer kill the baby ones that made that campaign famous years ago), so how is it that seals are more sacred than Dolphins to the activists? there’s billions of seals and they eat one of our major food source.

  1. Australia’s crusade(see below) [against Japan]
  2. environmental terrorists
  3. Environmental terrorist going after Japanese fishing boats
  4. [Japan targeted only because they are not European, not because they are non-compliant treaty signatories]

“crusade” – please note your choice of a Western hegemonic term.


Are there actually elevated numbers of seals, and what kind of ecological impact does that have? For instance, what are the relative effects of the fact that they eat fish, versus that they generally eat larger fish which also eat smaller fish? How much effect do they have on stocks compared to over-fishing, and how much does seal hunting mitigate that?

Because it sounds to me like you’re repeating a poor argument you heard without putting any thought into it. There are not billions of seals, hunting has had a serious effect on their population in the past, and while you can make arguments for sustainable hunting the idea that they seriously affect our food supply seems to be a specious one.

If your point was that the dolphin hunting deserves to be taken more seriously, though, I can agree with that. Other animals like bluefin tuna, too.

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These guys:

They already said they’re going to the Southern Ocean next season to make sure they’re not there. They’ve also said that they hope the Japanese are abiding by the ruling because then they can send their fleet to fight the Icelandic, Norwegian and Faroese whalers.


Sea Shepherd are protesting at the dolphin drive every year. A friend was there 2 months ago. Sea Shepherd activists have taken footage of the secretive cove where they are killed and have previously done things like cut nets of holding pens.

If you want to help them stop the dolphin drive, give them money.


In 1977, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) banned the harvest of bowhead whales by Alaska Eskimos because of a report erroneously estimating the Bering Sea stock of bowheads to between 600 and 2,000 whales. The Eskimo hunters were notified of the ban in June 1977, which was the first they had heard of the IWC’s concern. The whalers responded quickly and established the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission (AEWC) to fight the ban, organize the whaling communities, and manage the hunt themselves. - See more at:

Traditional Whale hunts (obviously) have a nominal impact on herd numbers over commercial interests. The Inuit use smaller boats and rudimentary tools, if in the classic hunt mod.

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So, an adequate dietary substitute might be seitan mixed with bacon fat? Food science to the rescue!

Why is this a reply to me?

i was wondering the same thing when you replied to my post.

But my reply was to you.

You: Do you advocate eating the whales till they all die?

Me: To be fair, my understanding is that even if Iceland, Norway and Japan took their full quotas it probably wouldn’t affect the survival of whales.

I thought your presentation of the situation was misleading, since the countries that currently take commercial quantities of whales could continue doing so at current rates and have little to no effect on overall population. I talk about Norway, Iceland and Japan in my reply and then you quote stuff about traditional whale hunts? Very confusing.

all your reply are belong to us!

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