An "exploding" coin-box uses cuteness to remind you of the futility of saving

At least we now have Hank III

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I’ve yet to hear a sound argument against saving in some form that didn’t involve already being rich.

A guy I know whose family is so rich they have fucking car auctions to trim down their collection advocates index funds for regular folks. Indeed, they are idiot proof, save for the fall of a nation or capitalism itself.

Of course, he also advocates things which involve being rich. And he manages to be less of an asshole than the friend I know him through who merely grew up fairly rich instead of obscenely rich.


And good cover versions:

Warren Buffett is famously another advocate of index funds for the average saver / small investor.


Yes, saving is futile, and voting doesn’t matter. Right. That’s how we get old people living on pet food and President Trump.

Who are the nihilists who are trying to push this stupid message?

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Based on the headers, the answer is Cory Doctorow

Cory doesn’t need to save. Why bother, when you can depend on the state for everything?

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You do realize that if you make shit, you can’t save very much, and that many people who HAD saved (through programs set up by their companies that tied their retirements to the stock market) are now broke through no fault of their own? Also, there is the growing cost of health care, which is partially falling on middle aged people now in terms of helping to care for their parents (while still raising their children, which is a growing cost, since even public school is getting expensive, and they have to try and figure out a way to pay for their kids college education, too).

The problem isn’t ONLY that people didn’t save, it’s that the economic conditions are very different now, and that’s eating into the money that people DID actually save.

Yes, because corporations are such good stewards of our health and well being, too.


All quite true.

Yet there are numerous people who could in principle afford to save and invest, but who don’t, because they’ve never learned how to handle money intelligently and for long term. Which is a crying shame, though it is a lesser problem than the ones you mentioned.

I think this might be helpful for at least some BoingBoing users:

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