An Infestation of Nazis, Fascists and Insurrectionists Part Deux

A maniple is also a piece of clerical costume. That may also explain why they like dressing up so much.
And @the_borderer

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This! (As @jerwin and @Unintended have noted.)

They were expecting to take senatorial hostages until they got their way.


sort of, but not really.
I’m no longer the OP and status is not “watching because I started the topic”
BUT I got
"tracking You will see a count of new replies because you posted a reply to this topic."
because my posts in the original topics are now part of this thread. and then the new likes and quotes here gave me notification, also; although that would have happened in my chosen status of “normal” anyway. it was worth a shot. but that would be better practice in the future, I think.
@Sam @codinghorror since I had changed my status in the original thread to normal before the topic got split, could there be a way for that status to carry over to the split and subsequent re-made topic?

EDIT - clarity


I want to talk about this video instead, it shows a cop in a MAGA hat negotiating to get his fellow cops out of harm’s way.


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