This is an interesting theory… it would add a lot more depth to the show, I think, if it’s true…
This is an interesting theory… it would add a lot more depth to the show, I think, if it’s true…
Good theory. Very plausible. Works with the level of detail the show’s creators use.
I’ll take it as true until something disproves it or something better comes along.
The idea has some merit, but I dislike overthinking my favorite shows (or books, or movies) or trying to predict what’s going to happen excessively.
I prefer to savor the story, and enjoy it as it unfolds.
I had kind of a feeling that’s where they were going with it. The way they ended season 1, I’m not sure if they’re going to pick up with the same story or if it’s going to be like American Horror Story and do a whole new story line every season.
I’m good at not being spoilered (when I’m not trying to be spoilered ) so I don’t know if they’ve announced anything about season 2.
I’m not sure if Elle brought the monster out of the dark place or if the dark place is inside Elle and she’s able to make real things from inside her dark place. I originally thought the scientists made her by splicing alien DNA with a human (a la Alien: Resurrection). I still would have been ok with it if they had ended it that way.
I’m a bit miffed by the X-Men 3 ending.
Yes, there is to be a season two with the same cast of characters.
So picking up from where it left off???
We don’t know yet.
I was working under the same assumption as this theory, despite not knowing the X-Men reference. I thought they were fairly explicit about it.
These are good points, but I don’t think they completely negate the Demogorgon angle.
Demogorgon’s two heads are distinct entities with their own goals. Those goals, of course, include the destruction of the other head.
It’s a manifestation of her subconscious - but one that, having been made manifest, is unfortunately independent.
I thought it was her feelings towards “Poppa” or whatever the director of the facility had the kids call him, the bastard.
Who knows what evil lurks in the minds of girls? The Shadow knows!
I sincerely hope not for a couple of reasons. For one thing I’d really like to see The Duffer Brothers take on some different subjects–perhaps even tributes to other eras and/or genres, even though I absolutely loved the '80’s feel.
For another thing I feel like putting those same kids through anything else would just be sadistic.
Right, but Demogorgon’s heads (Aameul and Hethradiah) are both aspects of each other and cannot survive without the other head.
Additional Cool Demogorgon Facts^TM:
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