Analog horror: creepy, nostalgic, and terrifying short videos

Originally published at: Analog horror: creepy, nostalgic, and terrifying short videos | Boing Boing


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I just finished playing the game Control, about a secret government organization called Federal Bureau of Control that’s basically the SCP Foundation. Within the game you find a few tapes of an internally produced show called Threshold Kids to teach kids about the paranormal.


Kris Straub is the guy behind Local 58 and I’ve always loved how he writes horror. Ichor Falls is his collection of short stories that started the whole thing and it’s just wonderful. You can get a pdf of it here Ichor Falls: A Visitor's Guide PDF

My other favorite bit of analog horror is Poradnik Uśmiechu which is done in the vain of an eastern bloc children’s show. Highly worth a watch.




See also The Haunted Generation and Scarfolk


The sheer audacity and creativeness has me laughing out loud!

Thanks for the links; this one had me on the floor!


Congratulations from the Board.

One of the most gripping games I ever played (twice, back to back, I could not let go).
Excellent atmosphere, well balanced gameplay, nicely acted and scritped. Perkele!
How they managed to make an office building so interesting is a mystery.

And yes, the thresholds kids, as all the other pieces of videos, training material, office trivial info, while not essential to complete the game, add so much to the immersion.

In terms of story, it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played. Right up there with Half Life 1 and 2 in terms of immersive experience and enjoyment of the story.

I loved the Dr. Darling videos as well, esp. the Dynamite song was so out there, I couldn’t stop laughing!

The gameplay for me got too difficult about halfway through the game, but I have no shame about turning on the cheat codes/training wheels so I was still able to enjoy the rest of the game.

I was a bit confused by the Alan Wake DLC though, since I’ve never played Alan Wake. Even after killing Hartman (impossible for me without cheating, I couldn’t interrupt him turning the lights off and regenerating no matter what I did), I still didn’t have a good idea of what happened to Wake.

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Not sure if terrifying enough to count as analog horror but one day in 1998 workers of a Brazilian TV station went on strike and managed to seize control of the live feed, so instead of running old tapes as would be the case in a strike, they broadcasted protest signs filmed in black and white without sound, only white noise.

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