Anders Breivik threatens hunger strike over "torture" of only getting a PS2

so…he’s a typical american republican?


Please, don’t give Breivik the coverage. Attention is all he ever wanted, it was never about politics. He could never achieve popularity in his life so he decided to go for infamy instead. Denying him press coverage is much worse for him than being imprisoned.

Five convicted serial killers currently walking the streets

There are several cases where f’ing cannibals did their maximum 20 year stint in jail and then were released (sometimes secretly).

Spoiler alert - none of these cases are in the US.

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We can only hope Breivik makes good on his threat to starve himself. He seems to have extremely delicate sensibilities for a serial killer. I hope his PS2 is a living hell.

I sorta agree with you. However, I don’t think elevating the murderer into He Who Must Not Be Named, will do any good either.

While this case isn’t newsworthy per se, I think it demonstrates very clearly how out of touch with reality he is. Even if it does get his name in the papers, thus keeping his name alive in people’s consiousness, I doubt it’ll help him gain any followers.

Regarding the video game requirement, if I were locked up I’d ask too. But I would not be surprised at all if the next day I found a ColecoVision where my PS2 used to be, with a note warning me that Pong can be had, if I wanted to ask again.

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Yes, exactly that. Why the sarcasm?

The U.S. corrections system seems to be stuck at a developmental level equivalent to when medical practices employed barber surgeons.


No, we just let white dudes shoot unarmed black kids, and keep people who committed no crimes in jail. That’s all.


More and more American prisons are run on a private for profit basis…given that greed based motivation I would not expect any thing other than the bottom feeding mentality that it displays. The very idea of someone choosing to make profit from human misery/ tragedy says a lot about what you might expect from such an enterprise. Food = lowest bidder, Medical care = lowest bidder, mental health treatment = lowest bidder…the value placed on human life and dignity = lowest bidder.


They often have guaranteed minimum occupancy levels from the government as well… I still can’t wrap my head around that one.


Anders is also a genocidal antisemite, so I think all his food should come from the kosher menu and be prepared under rabbinical supervision.


The sad thing, is that this is now the normal mode of thinking in America, not just on the prison-industrial-complex, but in almost every aspect of life. it only matters now if it turns a profit and the sad thing is, way too many people are willing to buy into that and in the process completely and utterly devalue human life. As long as they got theirs, they could care less about their fellow Americans, especially if that fellow American is young, black, and listens to his music a bit too loud.

ugh… I really shouldn’t write lectures about nazis and post on hot button issues at the same time… it just makes me angry and depressed.


In a strange twist to race based, white power ideology, he is pro-right wing zionism, and very anti-Islamic. He’s fine with Jews who know their place–in Israel. So, yes, he is still an anti-Semite, but against the new “threat” to Europe, Arabic speaking Muslims, which, I’m fairly certain is not the majority of European Muslims, but these ideologies are not coherent with reality.

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Yes thats getting to be pretty common among the white supremacists who need a dodge so they can claim they are not actual Nazis. By his own estimates, Anders wants to kill at least 2/3 of all Jews and exile the rest to Israel so they can kill Arabs and probably fulfill whatever Biblical prophecies are required to bring back Aryan Jesus.


Yeah, just like England’s cultural treatment of Guy Fawkes totally voided any and all power he had, right?

Sigh. You’re still taking about the comic strip, aren’t you?

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I did, actually. Funny film. I assume you’re making some point about Hitler? Not sure what, though…

Uhh… no? I’m talking about the annual observance of Guy Fawke’s Night, the burning of effigies, the drinking of toasts to the crown, the songs, the poems, the whole rigamarole?

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And what do you think of Guy Fawke’s politics, then?