Andy Warhol's Amiga art floppies found

Originally published at: Andy Warhol's Amiga floppies found


How much laughter will current technology draw in 40 years


Depends on whether an AI can develop a sense of humour.


I was an Atari ST boi

Still cheering to see these Warhol artworks come back into the light, though


Others have said as much, but the amiga really was a fantastic machine for it’s time.


Would putting “more” or “additional” in the headline have hurt click through rates of something? I’ve seen several similar articles about this elsewhere that do similar and leave it difficult to parse exactly what beyond the original material uncovered in 2014 was on these new disks or if a rehash of the original story was making the rounds for some reason.


Back when I was working in the game industry in the '80s, my boss said that he had found an Amiga emulator for the Atari. I went down to look. He booted up the emulator and it immediately displayed a Guru Meditation error. “See?” He said. “Just like an Amiga!” Then he laughed heartily.

When one of the VIPs at Commodore said, “The guru doesn’t fly at General Motors,” I thought they were going to finally address the issue, but they didn’t.

One of the programmers at Commodore was very nice to us. She gave us a pre-release of the programming language which started our program automatically when the machine booted. Without it the project would have failed.

When I visited a local Amiga club I complained about how crash-prone the Amiga was. They protested that it wasn’t crash-prone. When the guru meditation error inevitably appeared I said, “There, it crashed.” The guy enigmatically said, “That wasn’t a crash.”

I programmed an Amiga for a display at the museum of science and industry. On that project I timed the crashes. There was one approximately every 15 minutes.

This project required a touch screen rather than a mouse. When the program ran, the touch screen was being used and no multitasking was being done. It ran solidly for months without a crash. From this I concluded that it was either the mouse driver causing the crashes or the task switching.


I’m confused. Is this new? Several works were recovered from Warhol’s Amiga floppies in 2014. Here’s an article about how it was done:

There was also a short documentary on it:

ETA: it appears these are new floppies, separate from the hoard found in 2014.

ETA2: @mnem
Coca Cola Water GIF


There’s the laughter of delight — but then there’s the derisive laughter of those who unthinkingly react to the technology of the past without any ability, or desire, to understand it. Every generation stands on the shoulders of giants.


For those who appreciate the style and power of cars from the 50’s and early 60’s it really is all that much more amazing to realize some design guy took a blank piece of paper and sketched a 57 chevy while a couple of years some delightfully outrageous wild man drew out a 59 Cadillac Biarritz convertible…probably had to tape on extra paper to catch those tailfin’s. Will AI be audacious enough to do that and make a timeless creation

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Even Ferrari’s coachwork designer – Pininfarina – got on that wagon:


Everybody was doing it:


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