Anish Kapoor banned from using world's pinkest pink in retaliation for hoarding the blackest black

I don’t think so. Most so-called first world problems have much more impact on many more people’s lives.


It’s probably not too hard to use it in cameras and lenses.

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Vantablack as a material is pretty damn cool. Shine a laser pointer on it, and you won’t see the dot.

It’s just so black, man…


I believe its main application is things like space telescopes where you want to eliminate any reflections or stray light.


Wow - that is pretty awesome.


I prefer ultramarine, I’d link to it but I’m given to understand that it won’t display properly on screens.

Just going to drop this here because Reproduction and Travelogue are my two favorite Human League albums. Felt this song was appropriate.
Stay back, be careful not to fall in.

You know, I was going to tell you to just Google it and look at all the pictures…

But then I realized that all the sources were originated from this article.

@David_Witt, check the date on it. (Maybe you already realized.)


We’re pretty good at this sort of thing, so I guess we need someone to draw Monkey Jesus all over Kapoor’s Vantablack art.

Am I the only one that finds his monopolisation of a colour that absorbs all light kind of meta in the (absorbed) light of his shitty attitude about art and fair use?


I didn’t even realize! Of course, the few other sites who picked up the story and ran with it a week or more later, taking it as serious…yeah, now we know not to trust their ability to research before posting.

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“Every time you try and operate these weird black controls that are labeled in black on a black background, a little black light lights up in black to let you know you’ve done it.”


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