The data says nature.
In a 2004 mathematical synthesis of 196 studies (known as a meta-analysis), psychologist John Archer of the University of Central Lancashire in England found that men are more physically aggressive (by various measures) than women across all ages, with the difference peaking between the ages of 20 and 30. This sex difference extended to all 10 countries Archer examined, which included the U.S., Finland, Spain, India, Japan and New Zealand. Interestingly, researchers have found men to be more physically aggressive in their mental lives as well. Compared with women, men harbor more frequent and enduring homicidal fantasies, more often think about enacting revenge against their enemies, and report more physically aggressive dreams.
Personally I would much rather get that kind of stuff out of my system by playing violent (and fun!) games. Why does it have to have anything to do with women?
I suppose there is a relationship in that the testosterone driven sex urges men have, as you can see from the porn stats I quoted upstream, have a similar outlet in porn, as our testosterone driven aggression urges have in violent games…
I feel like when we say “yes, well, some women view porn and like violence too” it is kind of a “not all women” argument. They do, but at vastly lower rates, orders of magnitude in difference.
Considering that in the referenced study, nearly 70 percent of men had viewed porn multiple times in the last week, compared to 18 percent of women. And 20 percent of women had never watched porn compared to a mere 2 percent of men. These are not small gender differences. They are huge gender differences.
Or as Louis CK put it, “you’re a tourist at sexual perversion, I’m a prisoner there.”