Sure. Gov Brown made the right call. In return, he gave the expected options to those who object - Home School (quit your job) or Alternative Off-Campus Public School (“where exactly?”). He insured that anyone attending public school will have to be vaccinated - no exceptions. According to what I’ve read, The affluent are the majority of the opposition - why? I don’t know, the articles never really go further than that. California Politics?
I’ve been trying to say that there is a undercurrent of negative opinion toward scientific research and asking if the results from it are legitimate. Just today: Science Frauds Who Steal Tons Of Federal Money Almost Never Go To Jail and Monday: Fluoridation May Not Prevent Cavities, Scientific Review Shows
But these are the attention grabbing headlines and what some people seem to remember or absorb subconsciously - Which can lead to distrust in the institutions. The content of the articles actually show that the system is working and we can put our trust in it.
I don’t think Anti-vaccine people are even thinking about other people’s children. They’re solely thinking about the risks to their children from the vaccine - which they can internalize as “to all children.”
Well, that is exactly what I’m hearing from elements in the anti-vaccine crowd. However, it’s not scientist that hate our freedoms - it’s the government - and the scientist simply want to make money and therefore falsify their research and it’s all condoned and enforced by the government. For these people, their fear is real regardless of how we feel about it.
You have to find the point of where their fear and distrust comes from and then you can begin to re-build the relationship.