Anti-Vaxxers successfully bring back measles and whooping cough

I used to be religious. Evolution didn’t sit well with me.

What a brighter world it is now.


Just because you believe in the virtue of it doesn’t mean it’s moral to force others either.

I’m pro vaccine, but my views of them don’t mean I get to force others.


Do you not live in America? We force people with psychiatric illnesses into state care and then force them to take drugs for their own good all the time. Whether or not you think it’s right, we already have lots of precedent.

I wouldn’t necessarily feel okay forcing vaccinations on adults. But the US population shouldn’t have to put up with antivaxxer’s reckless endangerment. If they don’t want to vaccinate themselves that’s fine, they can live on a boat out in the ocean. If they don’t want to vaccinate their american children, then the state needs to take their children away because the children have a right to live a healthy life.

It’s illegal not to educate your children.

It’s illegal not to get your children proper medical care in most cases.

It’s illegal to drive without insurance.

It needs to be illegal not to vaccinate your children.


Hey man, live and let live. Until you cause other people to die because you’re stupid/irresponsible.


I was one of the poor unfortunates who was immunised against Pertussis but got it anyway because the immunisation didn’t ‘take’ and there wasn’t sufficient herd immunity in the area.

Struggling to breathe like that is most unpleasant. :fearful:

So I do care, deeply. You will too, when one of your own is affected.


They don’t cause you to die. The disease does. They owe you nothing on this level.

Get your vaccine and let them be at greater risk.

The state does not own us. At least it shouldn’t. Let’s live in a free country.

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“Don’t try to confuse me with facts or science, my mind is made up!”


in your gut? The finest science is conducted in the guts of individuals.


There are already situations where we do, when society’s safety is at risk. If I consider you thought disordered and a danger to yourself or others then you’re spending the night in a psychiatric ward, like it or not. If my psychiatry colleagues agree and even if you don’t, you’re getting treated until you cease to be a risk.

Why is being anti vaccination and turning yourself and your children into potential disease carriers to others any different?


In countries like mine with free education and widespread libraries and Internet, it’s simply stunning how stubbornly people cling to ignorance.

It’s gotta be taking some incredible effort at this point!


“Science”? What’s that?


Hey, we all banded together for mutual benefit. That’s how come we have awesome things like the interstate highway system and NASA. Vaccinations are more concretely a benefit that we can all share. I don’t know anyone who had polio or smallpox. I know maybe 1 person who’s had measles.

I am 100% in favor of a person’s right to self-determination. But it should happen on a bigger level than vaccinations. You can be one of us and pay taxes, get vaccinations, and register for the draft. If you do so, you can drive on the highways and have paramedics a phone call away and send mail to Guam for $2. OR you can go your own way somewhere else. People ought to have the ability to opt out, but in doing so they ought to forego ALL the benefits together, instead of cherry picking.


I’m willing to give up the concept of ‘herd immunity’ if it also means people who don’t get vaccinated get an automatic restraining order to never be within a mile of my immunocompromised sister or leave behind any biological matter anywhere that could possibly contaminate her, under penalty of death. That seems like a fair trade to keep both parties ‘free’.


So you believe that you have the absolute right to reintroduce obscure and preventable diseases into your children’s school.


Good thing I got my vaccines recharged last year. Ugh.


It’s spelled: “reality”. “Virtue” is a completely different concept.


That book was the bomb, with all those little soldiers. Super memorable and well done.


Who do your children belong to?


Get your vaccine and let them be at greater risk.

That works in principle, except for that evolution is real. The more reservoirs there are for a microbe, the greater effective population size (which means selection isn’t as strongly opposed by genetic drift, which means greater ability of genes that allow microbe survival to spread) and potential for mutation and gene swapping among circulating strains.

All that is a way to say that the fewer vaccinated people there are, the greater the odds for there to be evolution of strains not controlled by whatever vaccine is on the market. I’d be happy to let idiots risk themselves. I’m not OK with idiots risking my family and me.