I guess I have a different mindset having worked for several years in a dreadful disposable temping environment.
It’s great the company is making an effort to fix a situation they created in the first place; it would be better if they wouldn’t fuck over more people in the process of applying the fix.
But that really is too much to ask, I know. It’s Apple, after all. And the workers are just temps, after all. And obviously they should have known what they were being hired to do was wrong in the first place, and they should never have taken the jobs. It’s on them, really.
Funny how the write up of this on The Verge was all hearts and flowers about how much better Apple was than Google or Microsoft at this. They aren’t collecting any data for 6 months, and then the default on one’s participation will be opt-out. No mention of any employee repercussions.
What did you expect to happen? It’s cause and effect. Apple listened to your complaints and did the right thing. Now you complain that doing the right thing means eliminating low-pay no-skill temp jobs?
You can’t have it both ways. But then I guess that’s the whole point of grievance culture.