Archival video of original Hamilton cast will be made before Lin-Manuel Miranda moves on

This I did not know. Thanks!

The ā€œlyricsā€ button is hiding up near the top ā€¦ and sometimes it disappears? But it will give you mostly accurate lyrics. I was almost disappointed it was free with Prime. It was so good I wanted to pay for it! (I listened to it on youtube first, but other people have told me they canā€™t find the whole show on there so maybe they took it down)

The article says they have no plans to do so.

Iā€™m so sorryā€¦

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Thank you!

Donā€™t feel too sorry about Bells not seeing Chicago live.

She had it cominā€™.
She had it cominā€™.
She only had herself to blameā€¦


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