Are there ghosts haunting the antiquities of the British Museum?

I’m a bit more agnostic on this question after reading Will Storr vs The Supernatural. Great read and interesting conclusions.




The security staff, who patrol the length and breadth of the 14-acre complex until early morning, carry out many of their duties by torchlight. Scouring the premises for anomalies – water leaks, the smell of gas, an employee trapped in a remote corridor

Wait, what?

I was going to say the article was suggestive of the background for a Tim Powers or China Miéville novel, but this sounds like it would qualify for an SCP post of its own.


The museum is the most popular tourist attraction in Britain, ahead of Tate Modern and the National Gallery

But the monarchy is sooo important for tourism. Suck it, royalists.


I think that it is okay unit it becomes, “…the smell of an employee trapped in a remote corner.”


Ooh that looks good. I’m going to put it on my to-read list. I know the whole “ghosts and spirits” thing makes no logical sense whatsoever, but having experienced things that I really can’t explain, I am somewhat agnostic about the subject as well.

This sounds even more gothic if you read it as if it was in the American dialect.


It’s all the foreign ghosts demanding that looted artifacts be returned.

The great children’s writer, Edith Nesbit, spent a lot of time at the Museum & put several of its artifacts into her fantasy books, as well as setting scenes there. I’m thinking specifically of the series Five Children & It, The Secret of the Amulet, The Phoenix & the Carpet. She was a scholar, a feminist, a freethinker, & a member of the socialist Fabian Society with George Bernard Shaw, & all of those interests get into the books as well. I believe the books are available online through

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