Are you okay?

So Norway is out of eggs.

This sounds like a fun little news story but it has caused me a genuine crisis tonight.

You see, this was the last day before all shops close for Easter until Monday (they’re open for a while on Saturday, but I highly doubt they’ll get eggs delivered for that). I have seen the headlines for a while and kinda dismissed them because previous “crises” here have meant you may have to go to a second shop or buy the version of the product you like less. Today after work I walked to seven different stores in the rain and carrying two bulging shopping bags as well as my laptop bag. None of them had eggs. I also missed the last bus home.

Easter is a very important holiday for me. I tend to get depressed by the tail end of winter and the spring that Easter symbolises is something I look forward to from January on. It’s an anchor. The light at the end of the tunnel.

I bake a traditional German Osterzopf for Easter each year, which helps with the homesickness that comes from spending such an important holiday alone in another country. I’ve posted it here before and it is a ritual that I really enjoy and that reminds me of home.

Well, you need eggs for that, so there’s that.