Are your social media feeds clogged with green, yellow, and gray boxes? Thank Wordle

You can get more words if you spend gems.


saw this post on Twitter earlier today pointing out that all the solutions are easily found in the site’s JavaScript code….

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In a weeks time when Candy Crush Wordey Saga is released, that’ll probably be true


I mean, yeah, this has no backend, it’s all contained in that JS file. You’re only cheating yourself if you look


Watch out, you’re going to get sued by the state of Missouri


I’m normally really bad at word games, my mind just doesn’t work that way for some reason, but this is actually really fun!
Got it in 3 goes with no yellows today

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had never played and stupidly tried “bunny” first since my bunny was the first thing I laid eyes on that was a five-letter word.
once I got my head in the game, I managed to pull off a win on the sixth try.
I mean, I was sort-of on the right track, it being a vertebrate mammal and all.

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Wordle 200 4/6


Woohoo! I love puzzles like this. Looking forward to tomrorrow’s.

Wordle 201 4/6

Surprised and pleased by today’s result


Same here.

Wordle 201 4/6



There was a long-running TV game show in the Netherlands called Lingo that was basically this on hard mode: time limits, guesses had to be actual words, and the contestants played in teams of two, the teammembers alternating guesses. You got the first letter to start with though.

It’s not the same without the debonair host, sound effects and mini bingo game in between turns.

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Well, today’s word was just not very interesting.
Wordle 201 4/6



I see what you did there.

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I think Lingo was a show in the US at least 3 different times. One of them had Chuck Woolery?

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$ grep -vh '[A-Z]' /usr/share/dict*/* | grep '^..n..$' | grep -v '[higeorms]' | sort -u

Easy peasy.

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Wordle 201 3/6


I’m getting the hang of it.

What does “Guess Distribution” mean?

Edit: Hey, it’s my colors :smiley_cat: :green_heart:


“Guess distribution” is the history of how many guesses it took you to solve each day’s puzzles on that device.

Wordle 202 4/6



Oh, thank you!

So: I’ve played twice, the first time (shown in gray) took me five guesses, and the second time (shown in green, i.e. the current one) took me three guesses.

Makes sense to me now! Much appreciated.

I’d have done better if I’d have gotten at least one yellow block and remembered that green means the position is also correct.

Wordle 202 4/6


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I think the number means we had the same puzzle?

Wordle 202 5/6


This one was a challenge. Ran through all the vowels (except for “u”) in the first three guesses. Well done getting it in 4!

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