Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/10/17/arizona-elementary-school-kids.html
Gosh that brings me back to my own childhood, it was a doozy.
…and to my own adulthood, it was boozy.
whelp, now I know what i’ll be talking about to the kids at dinner tonight.
Is it just me struggling to find a connection between the news story and Youtube video?
So when are they going to arrest and perp walk the 6 yo?
It’s very important to know what drugs to not mess with because they are fun and what drugs not to mess with because they will kill you in a very unpleasant way. Should be taught in elementary school.
… and to my hobbies, with an Uzi.
“heart medication” just might be rat poison
This sounds a bit more serious than when my little sister “ODed” on Flintstones vitamins around the same age and my mother had to call poison control.
Silly, we don’t know for sure if the kid is African-American!
My thoughts exactly. My father and two of my friends all take daily rat poison.
Oh yeah right
Enough beta blockers could simulate death, especially in a child. Like, wake-up-in-the-morgue 30 hours later simulate.
A little older and they can reenact the ending of Romeo and Juliet.
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