Army relieves officer of duties after holocaust jibe

I like Jimmy Carr just fine though its been years since i’ve seen a standup of his though i like his hosting various BBC shows, unless you’re referring to something he’s said in the past that i’m unaware of.

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I did forget about that, granted i haven’t watched or listened to his stuff for a long time but i was referring to his older material. But thanks for the reminder about his comments, he’s also pretty chummy with Kanye who is also a persona non grata for me.


Great link!

Next time I hear a gun-cultist dismiss the gun-as-penis argument, I’ll throw Umberto at 'em (if nothing else, to get them away from me):

12. Since both permanent war and heroism are difficult games to play, the Ur-Fascist transfers his will to power to sexual matters. This is the origin of machismo (which implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality). Since even sex is a difficult game to play, the Ur-Fascist hero tends to play with weapons — doing so becomes an ersatz phallic exercise.


The French system already has this the bac de philo exam is notorious amongst people who have completed their education in France:


It’d be great if the Army handled sexual assault in the same efficient manner, instead of telling someone that reporting such a thing could damage their career and put their life in danger from the friends of the person she’s reporting.


Now don’t go putting words in my mouth. We’re all friends here

It’s a common theme in many of Carr’s routines-- pressing up against the limits of acceptability. It probably helps that his material is vastly more rich than Freihofer’s, IMHO.


Carr, Jimmy__bQiDZz7Z_o


Well, I was planning on replying to you-- but let’s face it, sartre’s essays are fairly long, and I was distracted, and instead replied to someone else’s point. Alas.

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I don’t necessarily think he’s pushing the limits just for the sake of being offensive, which is my point. He’s often pointing out ridiculous positions, ways of thinking, behavior, etc that people have. He’s never struck me as a lazy comedian whose punchline is offensiveness, he’s a smart guy who takes things to extremes to challenge audiences. He does throw in quick jokes that don’t go anywhere but i believe that’s part of the pacing of his sets.

Contrasted with the army guy making holocaust jokes. He’s making those jokes fully intending to piss people off and then absolve personal responsibility from his words by saying “don’t be offended it’s a joke”


Forget unicorn chasers. At this point I need a Popular White Man Who Does Not Turn Out To Be A Nazi chaser. Can we have some of those please? I’ll start:

John Scalzi. Delightful human being, well aware of his privilege and what the right things to do with it are.


Fixed that for ya.


I recommend Adam Savage’s stuff over at Tested on Youtube. His immense enthusiasm for whatever he’s talking about at any given time is apparent, and that unrestrained joy of his has really been a boon to me during the quarantine. Even a short video of him talking about a material recommendation ends up being a delight to watch


Yes, I follow Adam. He’s entertaining.


I like Carr. He is offensive, but he has limits, and he seems to push boundaries almost in a methodical way. And he has a wit about him.

His laugh though. OMG. What the fuck is that? He says he laughs sucking in, vs blowing out, and I am like “how?” Is anyone else wired that way? Can we fix it via genetic engineering?


That’s great. I’m also a big fan of the author Brandon Sanderson who famously finished the Wheel of Time series after the original author passed away, i attended a book reading of his plus a quick meet & greet and he struck me as a very passionate guy that genuinely loved engaging with his fans. He was kind enough to sign 4 books for me when he didn’t have to. I was also very charmed to find out he would routinely secretly sign his own books at random airports or bookstores and leave stickers inside them, and would tweet the location in case anyone was nearby and wanted to find it.


Your original post did not include anything resembling evidence that you had knowledge of how the system works. I had to figure you did not.

I believe he won’t be convicted. He won’t even be tried. Nobody wants the bother. ESPECIALLY when it would get muddy with First Amendment issues and ultraright heroes holding pep rallies for him outside the gate and raising funds for his lawyers. They’ll just blackbird him and be done with him with minimal fuss. And it doesn’t matter if an accusation can’t be included on the OER. All the rater has to do is give him a score of 150 and a writeup that says “this officer has no sense” and his career won’t just be dead, it will already be rotted down to bones and ligaments.

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“The statements made in the video are not indicative of the values we live by, and there is no place for racism or bigotry in our Army or our country,”

Thank goodness. So when does the Army march on the White House?

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Narrator; They weren’t.


A rejoinder.