Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/08/11/art-and-history-of-tarot-decks.html
I see a Tarot card and I want to paint it onto black velvet!
Ok, Mick did it better.
This book could be subtitled: A compendium of potential prog rock album covers
In college, for an art assignment, I got a deck of blank Tarot cards and illustrated my own deck. If you ever want to take a deep dive into your own symbolism… I think I still have them somewhere; not all the cards were equally well done.
The Secret Dakini Oracle:
The Xultun Deck - the only deck whose major arcana fit together, kinda puzzle stylee:
The New Tarot (1970) - my first tarot deck; I was around six when I got it:
Was delighted that someone made this a few years ago: http://www.benjaminmackey.com/magicianlongstoseetarot
Twin Peaks themed deck.
Hah, forgot about the origin of my user name ! (My group of friends in college once assigned each other to the major arcana according to personality etc. Some were quite predictive.)
What deck does that Magician come from please?
Because you said “please,” for once I won’t snark about the ease of google image search:
Thank you! Looks like I am gonna love the Lisa Sterle “Modern Witch” deck when it comes out.
That’s yet another entry in my list of things I’m gonna do if I find the time for it1)…
I’m thinking of taking pictures of friends & family, though.
1) I know, I know - take the time to do stuff…
And thanks Rusty for crediting Pixie Smith, the artist who actually created the Ryder-Waite-Smith deck. She led a fabulous life & deserves to be more widely known.
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