Are you seriously still mansplaining about this subject?! And this is what you’re doing.
WHY are you so invested in this? I find it not at all shocking that in Japanese culture, this woman hasn’t seen much in the way of “normal” vaginas. Even I, someone who is 33 years old from a fairly progressive family in the US, and who has been on the internet since she was 9, hasn’t seen that many variations of vaginas, and it’s not like I haven’t looked.
In fact, there have been recent art projects that have photographed what normal vaginas look like because so many women have no idea. IT IS NOT AT ALL UNCOMMON FOR WOMEN TO FEEL THAT THEIR VAGINAS ARE NOT NORMAL and that something is wrong with it. As a woman with a vagina, I know this feeling very well. As someone who obviously doesn’t have a vagina, you have no fucking idea, so why can’t you just drop the subject?!
And further-fucking-more, a medical book is likely to have either an illustration, or a very medical-looking photograph, and most of them are probably going to be vaginas that aren’t particularly healthy, or going through some sort of procedure, and I’m sure they are shot very coldly and without much thought to appearance.
That AirBnB thing is a bit of a stretch. I can see where they are coming from, but I’m not sure I would have thought that without being told to look for it. The proportions are pretty wonky. It’s no Lavazza ad, that’s for sure.
Unless it’s an anatomy book, where the importance is placed on realism and “normalness”. (Abnormalities are often also shown, but labeled as such.) Granted, the shots are rather factual (some would call them “cold”), but that comes with the genre.
As of The Internet, try this. If this is not what could be considered a good source, then I don’t know.
I don’t really care. You haven’t made any convincing arguments and you seem to think you know more than a woman who has an actual vagina. It’s not okay.
But anatomy books tend to be pretty one-note. Lots of vaginas of white people. You don’t get much variety at all. The variety of vulvas is quite mind-boggling. Anatomy books are great, but you’re still lacking in variety. The Wikipedia article isn’t a bad source but it’s still lacking in some variety, although it’s better than some.
Mod note: Men explaining to women how they should investigate and learn about their vaginas, or how to artistically express themselves with their own vaginas, is just stupid.
Thank you. Not to mention how they should FEEL about their vaginas! Holy shit. @seyo was just being outright offensive.
And people wonder why women find it so difficult to talk about this stuff!? Because when we’re honest about how we feel, we’re told we are wrong or stupid or doing it wrong. By a MAN, of course, because clearly he-without-a-vagina understands more than someone with a vagina because PENIS KNOWS ALL!!!