Artists, designers, rejoice in Stock-Graphics

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Holy shit, a whole 15,000?!

That’s, like, a whole 0.0075% of the Getty Images database! And just think, you’d normally be paying $4,999 (and 99 cents) for this incredible variety.

Of course, they do seem to be growing at a prodigious rate. In between the time the ad copy on the actual sales page was written and the text for this blog post was put together, they added 2,000 images to the offer.

Unless the blog post was written first. In which case you’d better hurry; by mid-July your subscription will be down to three Caturday meme photos and a vector graphic of a snake on a plane.

Oh, they’re a real winner! Here’s their “About Us” page.
Text about your company…

{if french}

La description du site…



Their prices and selection are about what I remember from the early days of iStockPhoto, before they grew and became part of Getty. They could be a good resource, and $29 for unlimited stock images sounds too good to be true, but not as long as their Support page looks like this:


Well, I was intrigued and clicked through. Sorry, doesn’t even look worth the $29 for that small library. IMHO

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So long as we’re clear that in this case, “lifetime” means “the lifetime of a site someone threw together over the weekend when their beer money ran low.”


Support creators, pay a photograph or an illustrator.

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Ship sailed on that cause decades ago. Might as well tell tell illustrators and photographers to put their portfolios on Creative Commons. Or better yet, tell everybody else to use taxis and hotels.

If you want to use the same crap than everyone else, enjoy your stock photo.
And if you thinks it’s not a cause any more, well, you didn’t know really well the industry. A lot of quality media continue to use the service of illustrators, photographs and graphic designers.
Look around, there is still taxis and hotels because they don’t exactly provide the same service than Uber or a couch-surfing app.

I miss the old days of the original iStockPhoto, when it was a marketplace for photographers and illustrators to sell their art on commission. I know several indie artists who used to make a nice living doing that, before Getty took it over.

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I don’t claim Awesome Photography Guy You Should Listen To status, but if I had to choose between Getty and giving stuff away on Instagram, I chose Instagram. If you’re going to help some shithead buy a yacht, you might as well do it at 1024px

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