Astronomea: a gorgeous, handmade, astronomy inspired desk lamp

Professor Galileo in the observatory with the astrolabe!

(And now I kinda want a Dan Brown edition of Clue!)

It’s certainly unique. The Jupiter dome jives better, and I’d use this more as an unapologetically kitschy art piece than a work-light source. I kind of love-hate it. Hard to find the right decor in which to display it. It would be perfect on the retro 90’s steampunk desk of some eccentric Jovian Bank executive in his office in the ice-caves of Ganymede.

I will say that as much as I like the TNG aesthetic and had the privilege to meet the Okudas and some of the other incredibly talented artists who worked on that show, this would be out of place entirely. This is its own thing.

Hope you keep making your art undeterred. You can’t please 'em all.


Those hand-drawn tick marks tick me off. Given the effort that went in, seems the maker could have dropped it off to a machine shop to have them done properly. I hope that it was simply due to a deadline, and that this is going to be fixed. I actually mostly like the style, but as you point out, some details seem to be lacking attention.

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Or… “There’s only one instrument that could have created all these injuries…”

Yes! But it’s unique… and if the instrument disappeared…


I love it. I would pay good money for it. Sadly, I doubt I have enough money even if I had the chance.

Well of course it must be, for otherwise the initiates would be unable to identify one another and distinguish themselves from the plebs.

Not complex enough.
Needs more Interocitor.



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