Austin police chief angry that people are angry about police misbehavior

The police are supposed to “protect and serve” and when they are not protecting and serving it doesn’t mean the whole notion of a police force is a bad thing, just like if the BLM were provably wrong in the Bundy case that wouldn’t mean the whole notion of a strong federal government is wrong. I want the government, whether federal or municipal, to act on all our behalf for the public good, that doesn’t mean I am in favor of an iron-fisted dictatorship (just like your support of Bundy doesn’t mean you are in favor of some kind of Mad-Max-styled anarchy.)

And this is the crux of most political arguments, even when we don’t realize it: what constitutes “the public good”? In the Bundy case we could argue that 'til the cows come home (sorry), but that would be way off topic for this thread. Jaywalking is quite a bit simpler, and I think unpoliticized enough that we could come to some agreement over whether handing out lots of tickets helps or hurts the public.

Oh, its the same thing, its only a matter of degree.

I would submit that only with a strong federal government can crap like what happened to this jaywalker or Bundy occur.

Granted the officers in the jaywalking case are probably Austin PD or Travis County sherifs deputies or Constables or Capitol Police or Texas Rangers or… ( i can go on ). So I dont get to directly point a finger at the FEDGOV in this case.

Of course it probably George Bush’s fault… he WAS the governor.

Let me see…

Great website, thanks for the hookup!

EDIT: Not sure what the significance of the glacier has to the discussion. But yea… soooo much ice in Antartica that its literally falling in to the ocean.

Let me see…… Great website, thanks for the hookup!

Foiled again!

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No the monopoly on the application of violence is granted to a government. This being the reason for checking the power of said government.

Thats a good try though.

1:[quote=“generic_name, post:62, topic:29799”]
Or it’s the duty of every citizen to be an armed vigilante?

Vigilante, no. But it is the duty of a citizen to be armed. Welcome fellow militiaman.

Well, when you have a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

And when someone points out it’s not a nail, well, they must be lobbyists for the screwdriver industry.

[EDIT: This conversation is already moving off topic, and in danger of going septic, so I think I am done arguing with you lest I share that guilt. As was previously pointed out here, anyone who doesn’t know the difference between an armed standoff and jaywalking isn’t to be reasoned with, and a lot of your comments appear to be preaching or designed to annoy your opponents, not reasonably discuss policy. Eventually the regulars here will ignore you, or the moderator will ban you. Good bye.]

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Oh, your back was turned?

Not the same case as the one in Austin, then.

Or maybe it was. It’s all a case of he-in-the-coffee-shop-with-an-obvious-bias-said and he-whos-the-chief-of-police-said.

But don’t let that stop anybody from heatedly arguing the facts.

Oooh! Lucky Ducky!

Yeah, and who gave those children badges, anyhow?


I suspect you haven’t earned one yet. Just my guess, nothing personal, of course.

Just as I thought we were really hitting it off…

Anyway, if you are incapable of seeing how a cop arresting some woman over jaywalking is similar to the popo showing up and shooting some ranchers cattle, tasering people, pointing rifles, etc. then yea.

I’m just here to create equal time.

Yup, just like speed limits are similar to martial law because they both impede movement, and a mountain is similar to a molehill because they are both just mounds of dirt.

“similar” ain’t “comparable”, hombre.

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This is a pretty miserable excuse for a philosophical point.

You should really turn off The Daily Show and read a book or something.

Better luck next time, mijo,

Mod note: My snark meter is starting to peak. Dial it back in people.

We’re ALL capable of understanding. Are you capable of subtlety?

How does one be subtle on a message board?

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rhetoric. 15 luv. my serve.


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