Australian academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert sentenced to 10 years in Iran prison

Condemning is easy. The international court in Hague earlier this year condemned UK&USA for its behavior in the Chagos islands, but have you even heard about that? Putting force behind the condemnations of a military and economic superpower like USA, that’s where things get tricky.


Yeah it’s fucked up - I feel it too.
It’s a good question you raise tho.
I can’t think of anything to do but examine similar cases in my own backyard, pressure those claiming authority over them, and support “local” political prisoners.

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Probably a good idea, but I doubt that it will happen. Even if we elect Bernie we’ll still be Team America: World Police in 4 years.

A valid concern. But I see your concern and raise you the prospect of a coinciding and retaliatory rise in asymmetrical warfare, by either state of non-state actors, as evidenced by the recent drone strike on the Saudi oil facilities. It is only a matter of time before the weapons of war we invent are turned against us. Despite all the technological advancements made in warfare throughout history, there have always been terrible unforeseen “consequences” and blowback for the ‘victor’.

Not at all. You have presented a hypothetical future, which may or may not be true but is impossible to predict, whereas I have countered with evidence using historical examples.

Well, her case wasn’t helped by the British Foreign Secretary at the time mistakingly claiming that she had worked for the British Government, which helped build the case against her and led to her still being locked up today.
If you’re wondering what kind of idiot would shoot his mouth during such a sensitive bit of international diplomacy and condemn a British citizen to being locked up, well, it was this twatdangle:

Fortunately he retired from public life at that point, can you imagine the shit-show if he’d stayed in office?!


More precisely, his words were taken to imply that she had been training journalists inside Iran (and was employed by the Thomson Reuters Foundation to do so) and was not in the country only to see her family.


She probably looked directly into the eyes of a male while alone.

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She was already under arrest for unspecified offences before the Incredible Hulk put both feet in his mouth.

In the interest of accuracy, he doesn’t appear to be dangling a twat. :wink:

That’s what the hawks tell themselves, but when some of those piles of rubble start firing on ship traffic in the Straits of Hormuz, you would quickly see that strategy abandoned.

They wouldn’t, but they would definitely fight the imperial invaders. A lot of the groups in question hated Assad, but they were more than happy to move into a politically destabilized region for their own purposes.

Whether they are saying it or not, I’ll say that yes in part the Iranian theocratic regime was a response to western actions. Following Operation Ajax and the 53 coup, the US helped put in place the unpopular Shah. After that Khomeini was imprisoned for his opposition to the US/Iran status of forces agreement. It isn’t exactly fringe scholarship that part of the popularity of the Islamic Revolution was a backlash to some of the shit the US and UK had been pulling. T

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Is simple. Don’t do stupid shit in other country other than yours.

In a society where a majority has their whole world view steeped in decades of reactionary propaganda? And lacks even the most utilitarian concept of class? And regards humble trade unions as an attack on their personal freedom? And believes that bombing a country half way around the globe is an act of defense? Not really. Maybe the next generation will get it. Mine is pretty much fucked. Somebody said (in the context of natural sciences but I think it applies here, too) that new found truths don’t grow in old people. They grow in new generations that accept them as self-evident, and the old views just die out.

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Yeah, well, that only works if the old fuckers don’t get us all killed, first, or otherwise destroy the damn world -.-’ …

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