I use sea snake foam for a very close shave
So they’re just mind-snakes? I was promised snakes.
Came here to mention the Irukanji as being a far greater worry, but you beat me to it
Sea foam is a killer. I often surf stormy beach breaks alone but before 2020 this was not something I ever worried about.
Did someone mention serpents of the sea?
I was going to reply how it is pretty safe here, then I remembered the red-bellied black snake (we’re really good at naming things too) that was my front yard a few weeks ago. So yeah.
I’ll see your “Beany and Cecil” and raise you a “Time for Beany”.
Sea snakes need to breath air while they are surfacing. This will be quite annoying inside the sea foam so I would assume that sea snakes would stay in less foamy areas.
A(n adult) friend loved the cartoons as a kind of surrealistic kitsch. I don’t know what he was on but it must have been good.
You have to understand, the puppet show (and later cartoon) were actually well-written and intelligent; it poked fun at current events, famous people, and subtle stereotypes in some smart ways. When you view it against the other fare that was available on TV at the time, it really does stand out.
Today of course, it looks like a crappy b&w puppet show, and a crappy color cartoon show.
And I’ll Take your Nash Rambler, and raise ya’ a Studebaker Hawk.
Where I went to junior high school in North Hollywood, there were several well known folks in the area. Heck, I went to school with Pugsly and Al Lewis’s kid, Teddy.
Anyhow, my 7th grade art teacher was friends with Beany creator Bob Clampett who came down with his puppets and talked animation and signed autographs for an hour.
Made quite the impression, I tell you!
Isn’t snake foam what they use in class A/B fun extinguishers?
I still have fond memories of the latter’s theme song, especially the end (“A Bob Clampett cartoo-oo-oon!”)
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