Australian cigarette packages show gruesome disease symptoms

I assume it’s the same in Australia, but here in the UK rolling baccy also has the exact same images on the packet.
(The UK ones are a bit toned down compared to oz, and a bit smaller).

I agree with that. I think if recreational drugs were legalized we could make sure purity levels were accurately labeled, give dosing instructions, and think about how many recreational drugs with side effects that could be made safer if people applied some research to it?


I suspect that there are some compounds that simply aren’t a good plan and can’t be brought to heel(we certainly terminate a fair few medical R&D projects over safety problems); but it’s pretty hard to argue that accurate purity and potency and attention to delivery mechanisms don’t have a great deal of room for safety improvements.

That’s what really puzzles me about the continued toleration of tobacco products. We know that getting people off nicotine is hard; but we also know that merely being a nicotine addict isn’t particularly dangerous: it’s just that the most popular delivery methods are enthusiastically carcinogenic and hard on the lungs. Trying to control nicotine is likely futile; but allowing the egregiously unsafe delivery mechanisms to be sold makes about as much sense as allowing resale of used needles as a low cost option for injecting users.

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