Badass Dragon Scavengers of the Void - Final Standings

###The Five Stages of Running a BBS Door Game

Denial: Nobody will sign up anyway, that’s fine.
Bargaining: If at least three people sign up, I’ll be okay with that.
Acceptance: Hey! A bunch of people signed up!
Mutants: O gods they’re changing their avatars to match their characters…this is really happening.
Panic: Wait, I actually have to make this work? What am i supposed to do now? Halp!

What a ride, phew! I’d like to extend my most gracious thanks to all the players that made this happen. Your patience, your creativity, and your honesty cannot be overstated. Through all the Kassandra bugs that you endured, all the frustrating parsing errors, and all the double checking of my results, you were the stars of this show.

While I have you here, if you’d be interested in participating in the player postmortem, it will hopefully help whoever chooses to carry the torch forward into the next game.

+--GM Victory Conditions-----------
| [X] Improve GM's ruby skills
| [X] At least some players enjoyed the experience
| [X] Create generic bot that can automate these sorts of games
| [X] Generate ideas for the next game
| [X] Add a chapter in the great story of Charybdis
| [X] Rap battle held in the mess of the Coleridge
| [X] At least one player reads Rime of the Ancient Mariner looking for clues
| SUCCESS! | Mission 1 - Run a Door Game on the BBS