Ack! Thank you for pointing this out. I didn’t update the order of execution, as posts can be freely edited for a limited time but never clarified this. TRADE orders happen before USE orders, hence:
@old has a valid order sequence: the TRADE happens first, then the USE order is processed.
@daneel has an invalid order sequence: the TRADE happens first, and then the USE order will not have a target.
To wit:
Order of Turn Execution
PAY orders for all players are executed; Juice totals are updated.
BUY orders for all players are executed; player inventory, player stats, and Juice totals are updated.
TRADE orders for all players are executed; player inventory and player stats are updated.
USE orders for all players are executed; player inventory and player stats are updated.
MISSION FEES or IDLE FEES assessed for all players
DETERMINATION of mission results
You aren’t kidding. I should have noticed that and pointed it out.
you could TRADE him the red and PAY some juice and then Tea can use the red instead of the green with the extra juice to make a super duper Parabolic_Antenna
Princess, if that banana leaves you with any juice, I wouldn’t mind trying out some of this green goop. If the game with the space bugs goes well, we could go for pistachio ice cream again!
I am truly impressed with the level of complexity this crew has attained. Thank you,I accept. I’d like to try out some if these globs before I die and find my pockets somewhat bare.
(It’s because of my carapace, isn’t it? We shiny Reds know the score!)
I note now that you’re purchasing Green from the Coleridge’s unholy womb. I happen to have two green blobs in pocket; what say I trade you one for an additional… 30 juice, that’ll give you a bit more to adorn that wonderful carapace of yours?
Final orders are in! And for lack of a better place to announce it - we have a little custom around these parts known as the …
##Players’ Choice Awards
All characters, both alive and dead, are welcome to submit your votes via PM for each of the following categories:
Favorite Character Concept Best Character Development Most Expected to Privately Submit Orders to Use the Escape Pods in the Final Round
Feel free to submit up to three choices per category ranked by preference. Winners will be revealed in the final epilogue following the calculation of Round 10. Votes must be received by Mon Mar 27 @ 2300 UTC.
In the meantime, please keep all arms, legs, claws, and tentacles inside the story until this reality has come to a complete stop. We know you have many options when choosing a reality to inhabit and wish to thank you for occupying this one for the last two and a half months.