Banksy booby-trapped a painting so it self-destructed after Sotheby's sold it for £953,829

If one purpose of art is to stoke the flames of discourse, I’d say mission accomplished. Outside of the brazen theft of the Munch paintings a few years back, I don’t recall anything in the art world making headlines like this.


It stopped shredding halfway, which might lend some credence to the idea that the mechanism really has been sitting in there for 10 years with the batteries slowly going dead - much like my pencil sharpener, which gives up halfway through sharpening a pencil since I can’t be bothered to buy new AA cells for it.

Or, if you take a more cynical view, it was orchestrated to stop shredding halfway because it makes a much nicer display like that, rather than an empty frame with a waste bin full of shreds below it…


Is… the truck is made out of bricks?

  • everything can be art
    • art is whatever artists make
      • artists are people who gentrify my neighborhood so I can’t afford to live in it anymore
        • look at this funny art prank ha ha
          • fuck this funny art prank
            fuck gentrification
            fuck artists
            fuck art
            fuck everything

If I bid on this for the second go-around I would be extremely disappointed if the second frame didn’t set the first one on fire or something similar.


I think the labels don’t match the photos here. I doubt Banksy would have the inane text on his. But if they are, the one with the wine glass wouldn’t be on the wine truck.

But then again, what the heck is a local wine truck?!


If it works like an ice cream truck I want one in my neighborhood.


Meh…disappearing in a puff of smoke would have been much better.




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Oh look, my previous post self-destructed after five seconds.


I think that, when one is talking about this end of the “art market”*, purchasing is based either on ego or money laundering.

*The million pound plus bracket.

I’m always tickled by signs proclaiming products as “artisanal”, because, yes, “art is anal”.


Brick wall trompe l’oeil.


Goddamn, I am thoroughly enraged by the freeport article link here. I mean, I know rich people have art as an investment. But to have thousands of treasures just hidden away in fracking warehouses around the world, being traded secretly among the super-rich, this is galling to no end. I want to burn these places to the ground.

The hell with Banksy.

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This (nested list) is Art!

On a more serious note, I think that is a big part of what makes people resentful of art.

It is, like a lot of things we are told to desire, so thoroughly out of our budget, and only within reach of the richest people. The same rich people we already resent for have no qualms about making money on real estate and thereby also forcing us out of the things we not only desire, but actually need, like housing.

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Depends what you mean by ‘real’.
Ok, that’s kind of a wanky answer, but the ‘original’ image was painted on the side of a shop in London (info).
However, as it’s stencilled art, presumably he tested the stencil in his workshop before he took it out on the streets, would the test be the ‘real’ one?
Now there’s a million reproductions of that piece, are they real? Or only the ones that Banksy has produced?

However you look at it though, this is not the only or first copy of the Balloon Girl, but it is now the only half-shredded version, so I’d call it a new artwork in and of itself.


I would like to hear from Messrs. Drummond and Cauty at this time…

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It would have to have a catchy wine truck ear-worm tune, but that’s okay–you could drink to forget it!


The next Banksy in a frame will be x10. A picture + the intrigue of what might happen!

It is a bit like Willy Wonka.

After paying £10m for an “event”, it would be funny if nothing happens at all.