Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/03/31/di-faced-note.html
Precision authentication of gallery-quality works kind of seems like the opposite of Banksy, no matter how tongue-in-cheek. Are you sure the system itself is authentic?
making fun of ‘authenticity’ and parting fools with their money seems right up banksy’s alley if you ask me.
Because we are still looking for extraterrestrials out there when we have plenty right here.
How is the print itself linked to the certificate? Wouldn’t the print have to be hashed in some way?
Also, is there an option to have the print shredded?
Ok, I made a fake system that authenticates fake Banksy works as real Banksy works in order to destabilize the worldwide Banksy markets.
Basically my friend Louis and I bet a dollar that we could corner and devaluate the market of real Banksy works and sell everybody fake Banksy works and use the money we make from that to corner to market on Real Banksy works, reveal the scam, and then charge a lot of money for the real Banksy works the value of which will go back up.
Let me make a guess and see if it makes sense.
You have the print and a provenance. You shouldn’t be able to fake the provenance. The provenance is handed over with the print when sold. If you sold a fake with the provenance, you’re original would then not have a provenance and could not be sold. At least, not as easily sold.
The owner is free to destroy the work in any way they choose. I wonder what meaning burning the equivalent value in cash has. Probably means you have too much money.
If I were Banksy I’d simply authenticate every single thing they received even if it was blatantly fake.
from the pest control website:
Please be aware that because many Banksy pieces are created in an advanced state of intoxication the authentication process can be lengthy and challenging.
Also, you are Bansky, so your fake Banskys are also real Banskys.
But then, once people got wind of this the fake Banksy works would skyrocket in value!
Send something to them with $65 and see if they authenticate.
Why does it matter what’s written on the private half of the tenner, if it’s not related to the public half, and it’s not known to the buyer, or part of any subsequent challenge? Seems like a forger would only care about reproducing what’s on the public half, along with the tear, though that alone wouldn’t get past Pest Control’s contacting the original owner on file.
I’m gonna send in a copy of Blue Lines and find out once and for all whether Banksy really is 3D from Massive Attack.
The registry kind of renders the other features redundant unless the works trade hands several times without being re-registered.
What would be neat would be if the half bills were attached to the artwork. Banksy could send his half to the registry and the owner/finder could verify the authenticity by sending in their half bill.
I think it’s supposed to act as a sort of final check: even if everything else matches, if you’re dubious about the veracity you can probably contact Pest Control and ask if the secret message for this piece is the piece seen on your possibly-forgery.
Is that Red from some production of Into The Woods?
Does Russell’s Paradox have a place in art criticism?