Barbie "computer engineer" book is a total disaster

My username is based on my real name. Can you tell what gender I am from my username?

I have grown increasingly concerned about the welfare of women online lately. Mostly since learning that Tumblr is more than just long threads of images of old movie posters or weird comic covers. It seems like people are cultivating a class of victimhood based simply on who they are, which is incredibly damaging. It is a pernicious evil that tells people that it’s not their fault that they’re in their situation, it’s someone else’s fault and it’s that persons job to fix it.

I work in a high tech industry. We try to be racially diverse and do a pretty decent job of it all told. That said, sometimes you’ll get a black guy who can’t stop talking about 3/5s or “they CLOSED THE SCHOOLS so my dad couldn’t go to school” and while annoying this isn’t fatal. What’s fatal is that they don’t know their shit. Like they can’t even pull the 5-tuple out of a packet when handed the frame on a silver platter. And then they don’t want to learn. And then the man is keeping them down again when they’re fired. It makes me wonder how they ever graduated from college in the first place if they’re not willing to do the work. A quick hint: It doesn’t matter how disadvantaged you are and how many boosts you can get, you’re not going to get ahead if you aren’t willing to buckle down and do the hard work.

Annoyingly though, the people with that mindset do make up a larger percentage of people looking for work, so you have to be careful when screening applicants to avoid wasting your time on a person like that.

Thankfully, I have not seen this in the women here. There is a lot of competence to go around, and they get the job done. That’s why they climb through the ranks and do well. Is there a glass ceiling? Maybe, the people I work with are not likely to hit it however, I’m not in the executive branch. Promotions here are pretty much entirely merit based. I would hate to see this ruined by people suddenly feeling entitled because my cis male privilege is keeping them down.