When I’m hanging out Medieval-style I love a good witch trial. But no. She took the high road. She could have accused Jolene of bewitching her lord.
That was great.
I also listened to their cover of House of the Rising Sun in French c. 800 - 1400 - interesting how much more like modern French that version is, compared to the great difference between roughly contemporaneous Old English vs. modern English.
I speak English natively, French only as a second language, and I had a far easier time understanding the Old French than the Old English.
14th century English (the upper bounds of your range) is Chaucerian and a lot more readable than OE; comparable to the French version.
That said, looking at a 9th century text in langue d’oïl it definitely is more readable than contemporary Old English or Old High German texts.
A truly wonderful thing. Thank you.
I don’t necessarily agree with you AT ALL, but you made me bark out a big laugh. Good for us!
Well, it would be except for all the annoying music…
(I kid - mostly.)
I agree, it would more authentic if they ditched the instrumental accompaniment.
And translated all the lyrics into Latin, of course.
On your recommendation I listened to Lingua Ignota, and found that e.g. her track God Gave Me No Name is the kind of “medieval-style” music I can get behind. It reminds me of Dead Can Dance, and This Mortal Coil, but it’s also something new and exciting at the same time.
Not quite as catchy:
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Rogo ergo te placere non ex vobis vir meus
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Nolite quaeso quod sicut illum non potes,
Ultra conferre decorem
Flammeae spargant comae, et capillus in flavum
Et smaragdo viridi oculos pelle potius comptos ebore
Spiritus Dei tui risu est sicut fons
Mollis vox sicut aestas pluvia
Et ego non contendo tecum, Jolene
Has ille in somno suo
Nihil possum facere, ut
De quo clamor quod vocat nomen tuum, Jolene
Facile possum
Ut facile quam tu vir meus
Sed vos non scire quid significat hoc mihi Jolene
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Rogo ergo te placere non ex vobis vir meus
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Nolite quaeso quod sicut illum non potes,
Vos potuerunt vestri selection hominum
Et iterum: Non potui non amare
Quia non est nisi unum me Jolene
Ego in hoc quoque apud te Disputatio
Beatitudo pendeat meum super te,
Quidquid volueris facere Jolene
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Rogo ergo te placere non ex vobis vir meus
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Quaeso ergo eum accipere non potes, etiamsi
Jolene, Jolene
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