vii) Safeguards. Personally identifiable information should be protected with reasonable operational, administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to ensure its confidentiality, integrity, and availability and to prevent unauthorized or inappropriate access, use, or disclosure; and,
(viii) Accountability. These principles should be implemented, and adherence assured, through appropriate monitoring and other means and methods should be in place to report and mitigate non-adherence and breaches.[/quote]
Yes it does, and you appear to be advocating a position that makes this more likely.
Yes, the precautions are easy, effective, cheap, and well known.
If he was charged with obstruction, he probably talked to the Feds and said something incorrect. They love that shit. It is why First Amendment lawyer Ken White, over at Popehat, says “Shut up. For the love of all that is holy just shut up.”
For some reason, there’s a great outcry in support of Brown from the BoingBoing community - and yet he freely admits that in his younger days he was the kind of 4chan/8chan troll that alot of you villify in respect to gamergate.
This attitude seems kind of schizophrenic to me. I don’t really do shades of grey, so I’d love to hear people’s opinions on this?
(DISCLAIMER: I am not a gamergater. I just don’t hate them.)
IIRC where Assange was, people can legally give sexual consent and then change their mind afterwards, and this has apparently resulted in trouble. I can’t imagine how a statutory setup like that is supposed to work.
I was an asshole when I was a teenager, probably continued to be well into my twenties (and may be pretty awful now, but I can’t really escape that). I desperately hope not to be judged for what I was then. People here don’t like what gamergate is doing now. If Brown was a severe trolley, it’s possible I’d be appalled by some of the things he did back then. That doesn’t mean he’s not being mistreated now.
Entirely beside that, this story is about dangerous overreach by government, not about whether or not Brown is an asshole. I don’t know much about him personally, maybe he’s downright awful. If someone who supports gamergate was treated the way Brown has been, I would be outraged about that too.
Many of the people who come here to post in support of gamergate can’t seem to get their head around disagreeing with what someone says/does but not hating the person or wanting terrible and unjust things to happen to them. Based on the descriptions offered by @a_man_in_black, it sounds a lot like that idea of conflating disagreement with hatred is baked into image board culture. Most of the people who post here regularly, though, seem to be able to separate disagreement from hatred. There nothing “schizophrenic” about it.