BBS headline mismatch and disconnected comments

@codinghorror @orenwolf

I don’t know if it is linked to this issue or is a pure red herring (and if so, apologies for the smell) but I also see, from time to time, Xeni posts that turn up in the BBS long before they turn up in blog view or the main page.

This one was in BBS with post it links to being timed at 4.57am but 20 minutes later it was still not in blog or main view.

Maybe it is just propagation delay through the system but weird that BBS gets it first and that it takes more than 20 mins.

Just thought I should mention it on the remote chance that it may be connected to this and offer further insight. Again, sorry for distraction if not connected.

ETA at the time of writing this ETA, over an hour after the time on the post, the post has turned up in blog view but still not yet on main page.

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