Beautiful Birds – Fly from A to Z with dozens of feathered friends

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Does it have Big Bird, or is he still persona non grata since he pecked Elmo to death?

It’s Charley, not Charlie Harper, and yes, anyone who likes this book would like Charley.

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And there are actually a bunch of Charley Harper children’s books out there. My daughter loves this one:

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Wow, thank you for the info! We’ve got a two year old nephew’s birthday coming up in August, and a couple of these books would be perfect. We have four of Charley’s prints hanging in our house and never tire of seeing them there.

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I’ve been digging on this one recently. It’s a little more cartoony than the Harper stuff, but the more I looked at the backdrops, I really enjoyed the richness in the brushwork, focused playing with perspective, and considered color choices (I love that the ponds are yellow). Also, the sound repetition keeps even little ones engaged.

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