Beginners set of watch repair tools

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Only thing missing from the kit is a small see through pouch that the left over/extra parts go in so when you bring the expensive watch to the repair guy to fix it.


Yeah, pretty much. I got the case open tho.


This will compliment my beginners set of shoe repair tools nicely.:slight_smile:


Yeah, a dead self winding -anything- is either leaking atmo/moisture and needs to get cleaned/resealed, or it fell once too often and you need a new mainspring.
Or, upon reflection, the crownstem might be jammed, probably due to stress or a defect.

Mainspring replacement is delicate, complex work but the rest is doable, I think.


I picked up the missing part of this toolkit, a book on how to repair watches, at a used bookstore a couple decades ago. It explains how if you really want to fix mechanical watches, you need to spend a couple years practicing on every old watch you can get your hands on. You also need to get a rather large assortment of tools and parts to do it properly. The book looks like an annotated catalog for the parts supply house, actually.

My favorite line from the book says that if the particular task you’re working on is just not going smoothly, to set the watch down, go outside, smoke a cigarette, and try it again.


I have that one…

Very Charlie Papazian. Relax, don’t worry…


The price isn’t so unreasonable, at least. I would have hoped for some fancy widget designed to keep tiny screws from falling on the floor and vanishing forever.

I can’t even keep the rubber thingy for my pointy tweezers from escaping. Surely there must be a better way to keep them safe than that annoying little rubber thingy?


does last page read “Fuck it dude, let’s go bowling”


Yes: the place where I worked kept little boxes of salvaged replacements, and once a week swept the rug looking for lost screws.

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As a tenuously related comment. I recently fixed my old digital watch.

Was going to be charged £8+ for a battery replacement via a jewellers/locksmith. Eventually just tried it myself and with the use of one tiny screwdriver and a ~30p battery from ebay (well, technically £1.50 for 5, so i’m sorted for decades probably) Everything is now fine.

More people need to try fixing stuff on their own :slight_smile:


A fancy widget like… a tray? Line the bottom with a silicone mat if you’re really feeling flush.


a fair and good idea also is a long apron that can catch falling objects

a simple lubricator made from brass rod

Disclaimer: I manufacture wristwatches, but they are opened with a .050" hex driver. Weird.

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