Bernie Sanders killed it on Joe Rogan


He calls himself a”democratic socialist,” which calls to mind someone like Melenchon, but, when he points to European countries he thinks we should emulate, he always points to countries run by social democrats.


How did he kill it…

Anytime Joe went a step further and asked for specific numbers or clarification and Bernie has nothing. It’s like he was trying to will his thoughts into facts.

Someone could probably meme a video edit out of this.

Now that Warren is a viable choice, I honestly don’t see what purpose Sanders serves. Plus, Warren has an actual legislative track record and, unlike Clinton, can articulate her positions.

Thanks, this seems like a pretty interesting podcast. I’ve just listened to the Joe Haldman interview.


If you like Hell of a Way, you should also check out Lions Led By Donkeys and Eyes Left.


I really like Warren. But she uses a style that appeals to me. I love smart, plain spoken nerds. That’s not everyones jam.

I don’t know about electable, but I’d love a warren/sanders dream ticket
and warren/Buttigieg or warren/booker are my runners up right now.


Full disclosure: I am a Sanders supporter, and have contributed substantially to his campaign. I have also contributed to the Gabbard campaign.

I too enjoyed the interview, the long format and the lack of confrontation from Rogan. Once Bernie is allowed to discuss his views on the important issues of the day, he really shines. Doubly so when the mainstream media bias is turned off.

There should be more of this, not less, in the mainstream media. I agree with Sanders when he suggests that television license holders should be made to do so through legislation.

The problem I have and will always have is that he gives fascists/entryism a softball platform as well.

In any time, that fact is disturbing and should give one pause to seek similar content from other providers, but in this moment I think it’s utterly reprehensible. If you are a provider exposing fascist TP to your audience, you better damn well be prepared to critically confront it and shut that shit down. But really, just don’t. Let the fash knob themselves, they need no signal boost.


For example:


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