Bill Gates wants us to fear mosquitoes, not sharks

I’ve always wanted to see the TV show: ‘So you think you can Swim’


And once we eliminate all of of the mosquitos, next on the list will be getting rid of those pesky humans.


It’s even more inconsistent than that. If we count deaths from diseases where mosquitos are merely the vector, then surely we should also be counting all deaths from human-caused pollution. And road traffic accidents - again humans are the vector. Add those into the numbers and H. Sap is way out in the lead again.

Anybody proposing to eradicate humans as the biggest killers on the planet? Thought not.


I guess some folks value the health and lives of humans more than that of mosquitoes.

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Well, somebody had to do it…

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I’m having a hard time believing 10 people are killed by wolves each year. Where?

The chances of being attacked by a shark are almost the same as being struck by lighting, twice.

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That’s probably why his band and he wrote that fantastic new baby shark song!

Transylvania, which, coincidentally is also the country where the most dangerous animal ever exists, a fiendish creature that is a blending of the shark and the mosquito - the dreaded vampire!



Man, that’s grim.

That would be counterproductive, given that the stats are listing human deaths.

Now targetted eradication of a small number of humans who are responsible for a disproportionate number of human deaths… [kidding – or am I?]


Even more misleading. Most of the time it isn’t the microbe. It’s the toxin. Why are you hating on a tiny, tiny creature.

Wait. It’s the body’s reaction. Don’t blame the toxin. Blame the victim.

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My wife grew up in Africa. She used netting and took prophylaxis during seasons when mosquitos were particularly bad. She only got malaria at seventeen, just before moving to New York. Her last attack was more than ten years later.


You first.


My grandfather and granduncle both had yellow fewer, one of them did not survive. As the Spanich and Greek Consul in Manaus he was responsible for returning the belongings of the deceased workers of the Madeira-Mamore Railroad to the families, it was terrible, the sheer number of it.

The situation later changed with the use of DDT, but the consquences on the long run are worse. The solution envisage today are far better but the implementation is questionable for some possible side effects that are beeing evalueted. The main point is not to kill all the mosquitos but to limit their numbers or to make them lose the status of vector of the disease by genetic manipulation.


That Bill Gates… all that money and he doesn’t seem to hate on people. I don’t get it. No wonder people like that wouldn’t ever make a presidential candidate.


Snakes are way higher in the list than I would have expected.


No you didn’t. You really didn’t have to.


That was my take as well

Sure, eliminating humans would cause a short-term increase in human deaths, but after that we’d finally be able to say we’d eliminated death!

Well, we wouldn’t, but you know.