Here is the Guardian on the arrest…
The actual reporting on that is the same Reuters source but they got a staff member to add just a soupçon of background on the guy.
It’s interesting that there isn’t any other news out. Maybe one of our more polyglot correspondents can add more detail?
Ah! Why am I not surprised…
True! I do wonder if the French media has more?
I can’t see anything in Le Monde. Le Parisien is citing TF1
La Justice considère que l’absence de modération, de coopération avec les forces de l’ordre et les outils proposés par Telegram (numéro jetable, cryptomonnaies…) le rend complice de trafic de stupéfiants, d’infractions pédocriminels et d’escroquerie.
The Justice Department considers that the absence of moderation [or] of cooperation with law enforcement, and the tools offered by Telegram (disposable numbers, cryptocurrencies…) renders it complicit with drug trafficking, crimes of paedophilia, and scams.
Et maintenant ?
Les enquêteurs de l’ONAF (Office national antifraude rattachée à la direction des douanes) lui ont notifié et l’ont placé en garde à vue. Il devrait être présenté à un juge d’instruction ce samedi soir avant une possible mise en examen dimanche pour une multitude d’infractions : terrorisme, stupéfiants, complicité, escroquerie, blanchiment, recel, contenus pédocriminels…
And now?
Investigators of the ONAF (National Anti-Fraud Office, attached under the direction of Customs) have notified him that he has been put under police custody. He must be presented to a magistrate this Saturday night before a possible indictment on Sunday for a multitude of infractions: Terrorism, drugs, complicity, scamming, money laundering, receiving stolen goods, child sexual abuse content …
Helpful! Thanks!
First resident RFK Jr to scare the bears away?
So many billionaires with “visionary” ideas about how people should live and yet not a single one with the courage to build an undersea city or flying dirigible palace.
Obviously those would be disastrous too, but they would be entertaining.
How about a Mars colony?
Any of the above work for me as long as the billionaires are the first ones to move in.
Or a lair in an active volcano?
A single billionaire produces a million times more emissions than the average person