Billionaire pays to end bribery trial

Prosecutors see that their case is going nowhere and agree that if he is willing to pay sizeable sum to charity, then prolonging that trainwreck is no longer in the public interest. Court agrees.

Btw. that case was only remarkable because of the sum involved. It is a standard procedure that is used all the damn time,

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The law is a fence high enough to trip up the commoner, and low enough for the noble’s horse to clear.


You do know that it is mostly used in petty cases where your commoner would be disproportionally affected by a full misdemeanor trial, don’t you?

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He’s even been the second coming of Jesus.


And is disproportionately the party unable to afford the legal services that make it go away.

I think I agree with you, but we’re expressing it differently :smiley:

I suppose there are plenty of Americans who qualify.

A billion or three buys a lot of shame-avoidance.

Oh! That looks interesting. I think he was also in that HBO show the Left Overs, which I never got around to watching, but it sounded great.

Yes, he was. Weirdest American accent ever, but otherwise an excellent performance.

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