Black Lives Matter. Still

It’s like the Black Panthers all over again.


lucious lyon wtf GIF


And it looks like from that article that the white harassers have the support of local law enforcement.

Angry Fed Up GIF

Unrelated story…


I heard that earlier today, and I’m still angry and disgusted. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


It reminded me of the time that picture postcards of lynchings were freely shared amongst racists. Sickening.


The good (especially if it infuriates DeathSantis :smiling_imp:),

the bad,

and the ugly:


just do like portland oregon did, disband the special task force, and reinstate it six months later with a brand new name. as long as the word “safety” is in there, problem solved :cry:


He led protesters into the waiting arms of hidden police and escalated situations to provoke a police response and discredit the whole idea of BLM.

As disgusting as this seems to me, I would bet that this happens to any movement that gains enough steam to upset the ruling class, right or left.


Northeast Philadelphia? You don’t say.


obviously, i do keep half an eye on what happens over in portland.

i’m crossing my fingers for them that the city council changes people voted for takes some of the mayor’s power away and maybe starts helping with the police.

a ray of sunshine that couldn’t have happened without all the blm protests raising awareness about how broken things actually are


While that’s true, right and left movements have never been equally upsetting to the ruling class, so this seems like an unhelpful addendum.


Also, plenty of right wing movements, that “upset the left” (ie murder people with impunity) have operated with pretty much the tacit support of much of law enforcement… so… it’s not even factually true. The far right gets MUCH more leeway in literally murdering people, while people sitting in trees to protect a forest are branded as terrorist and executed by the police.

I’m pretty sick of the obviously false “both sides” narrative, honestly. It just does not hold up to scrutiny.


The “both sides” narrative only started when we started fighting back, they never cared about the violence when it was fascists going after POC or LGBTQIA+ people.


Uh Huh Reaction GIF by Originals


While that’s true, right and left movements have never been equally upsetting to the ruling class, so this seems like an unhelpful addendum.

I’m sorry you didn’t find it helpful. See below but one example of what I was referring to.
The FBI has a history of infiltrating and manipulating groups that may threaten the ruling class’ grasp on society or profits to major players in Washington. That’s what they do.

Standing Rock and OWS openly challenged energy profits and Wall Street, respectively. They shared with BLM and all right-wing extremism a threat to the existing social order. Each was infiltrated and manipulated by the FBI. It’s not the political leaning, but the potential to effect change that seems to drive this.
Others are free to disagree.

That’s just not the case. The KKK was allowed to exist for decades, more than a century, close to 2 at this point, in fact, and in the 20s were pretty much the power structure in many, MANY, places… in the 50s and 60s, they were tightly aligned with local law enforcement across the south. It took many high profile acts of violence against non-violent protesters to do anything to those networks. They continue to exist. Meanwhile, Stokely Carmicheal says Black Power, and it becomes the largest threat to America (from the mouth of Hoover, BTW). The right wing groups received some scrutiny, but not nearly as much as the Black Panthers. The FBI participated in an assassination of a high profile Panther in chicago. Meanwhile, a person that EVERYONE knew was a Klansman (David Duke) continues to broadcast his vile shit across America…

Most right wing extremists were not connected with larger organizations, but were consider “lone wolf” threats… There was not similar reaction to, say, the OKC Bombing, as to the ELF burning down buildings and committing acts of sabotage. They killed no one, while McVeigh and Nichols killed 168 people. There was no systemic infiltration right wing networks to bring them down in the same way that the entire environmental movement was painted with the same broad brush.

Are there examples of right wing groups being infiltrated - sure. It is to the same extent that far less violent leftist movements have been infiltrated? Not remotely.


How incredibly magnanimous of you…


Given historical facts like those you present (and also current events), one would have to be incredibly blinkered to believe that the elites in the West view right-wing populists as the equivalent level of threat as left-wing ones. In reality, the existing capitalist and technocratic social order tends to see fascists and identitarians as allies who can be controlled and channeled into supporting their agenda. Progessives and left-wingers, in contrast, are always seen as the enemy by the elites.