Black Lives Matter. Still

I already greatly disliked Bruce Pearl as a coach. Now I can upgrade him to the “wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire” category.


A blast from the past (over 30 years ago) showed up in my newsfeed:

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In the end, Walz emerged from the 2021 special legislative session with a compromise bill on police reform that seemingly satisfied no one. For some Democrats, it didn’t go far enough. Many called the bill a disappointment. Some Republicans felt it went too far. The next year, facing reelection, Walz received no major law enforcement endorsements.

That seems to me like he threaded the needle. Whether he got it right depends on where you stood at the time, but he got a compromise through that both sides thought was not perfect, which is pretty much the definition of a compromise. This is what politics was once like. As always, I don’t need him to be perfect. I need him to move the needle left, so that others can continue to do so. That’s how the right got their wish list starting decades ago, and it is pretty much how we need to get it back. I am OK with this guy.


The GAO report is the first to examine underlying infraction data among discipline disparities and identify what contributes to them, according to Pressley’s office. It found that school poverty levels, the percentage of girls facing disabilities, the number of new teachers and the presence of a school resource officer were among the factors tied to increased discipline for girls.

Not that this will shock anyone here, but having solid evidence that is really hard to poo-poo away makes the argument more easily made. Racism and misogyny make a toxic cocktail.