BLM does have a top-down structure combined with bottom-up grassroots elements similar to what we found with the Tea Party. The same billionaire donor for Hillary Clinton’s campaign is also the founder and current chief of the organization that made funding available for Black Lives Matter.
Unlike a much more bottom-up grassroots movement with funding we see with Sanders’ campaign, BLM is tied to a billionaire’s organization similar to how the Tea Party was tied to the Koch brothers. If the monolithic funding source is cut… they are top-down fucked.
A wealthy asshole can’t cut Sanders’ funding because we are legion.
I’d love to see BLM reach your “ACTUAL DEMOCRACY” ideal, but it’s not there yet and won’t get there without proper leadership due to its current (in my opinion) flawed, corporatist structure.
Frankly, the rate BLM is going by royally pissing off POC, I could see it break up and away into truly bottom-up grassroots factions in the near future. If they don’t flounder, that would be for the best as long as funding from individuals can start picking up the slack and quick (but I don’t see signs of that right now for various logistical reasons).
[quote=“anon61221983, post:32, topic:63379”]
Voting is not democracy. Going to political rallies is not democracy - not in America, anyway. Getting out on the street for this is actual democracy.
[/quote]I think all of the above and much more are the vital methods for getting us closer to a more representative democracy within our struggling republic. That’s what we’re doing with the Sanders campaign and it’s been quite successful thus far aside from various hiccups.
[quote=“anon61221983, post:32, topic:63379”]
Like I said, I think that Sanders givng them the mic was a good thing. I think he needs to show solidarity by aligning with them and their style of organizing more.
[/quote]Yes to solidarity but HELL NO to organizing like the current incarnation of BLM. If anything, the BLM needs to become more like our grassroots movement before they self-destruct like the Tea Party has.
Sanders very wisely tapped a Black Lives Matter activist as his Campaign Press Secretary even before the latest BLM blunder the other day. I think Sanders should continue to bring BLM into our greater, grassroots structure, but he sure as shit shouldn’t start relying on billionaires for the funding like BLM has done.
BLM is one of many grassroots arms that’s going to need to better learn how solidarity works. Otherwise, other anti-police brutality grassroots orgs will step up and we’ll take it from there. That’s the beauty of our grassroots movements. You can cut off one head, but we’re a hydra all clawing our way with one body to similar, symbiotic goals.