BMW is charging $18/month to activate heated seats, and $10/month for heated steering wheel

How much to only warm one butt cheek?


speaking of flying, isn’t this exactly what boeing did? causing a whole lot of death and destruction even :confused:


It definitely won’t in the EU


this is the intended revenue stream for self driving cars. they’re always roaming so there’s always congestion. you don’t own the car, you ride share it. you pay extra - and wait longer - for the ad free cars with actual windows that allow you look outside ( at all the other cars )


If I cared about my rear seat passengers, I wouldn’t be driving a Fiesta, would I?

They can have a wool car blanket and like it.


“We’re sorry, your anti-lock braking subscription has just expired. Please enter your credit card number to continue.”

bmw sliding


How much is the seatbelt subscription, and are airbags extra?


American upper middle class:
“How much will it cost to use the turn signals?”
BMW: “Let me see…”
American upper middle class: “Nevermind… Silly question.”


It’s time for free open source car operating systems.


That’s high German. Bavarian would be something like “d’Kundn grantig moach’n ols a Dienstleistung”.

Though @fnordius probably knows better, despite the fact that I was technically born in the state


This is the good content we come to BB for.


Of course, it being German, you could also cast your sentence into one word: Kundenverärgerungsservice.


Many car owners in the U.S. are currently experiencing something like this. With the phase out of 3G cell phone networks, many cars (some relatively new) are losing some features.

Those models are also losing “surveillance” features, so maybe it’s a wash?

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Personally, I’d be kinda pissed about having to drag extra hardware around that I don’t want and don’t use, to every place I go. The newer car we have (a 2013 model year) has satellite radio thatI don’t want to pay for (and thus doesn’t work), so it’s kinda already happening to me.

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Mia ärgern unsere Kundschaft so richtig, und zwar als Zusatzleistung.

Also ehrlich gesagt, so a Schmarrn werden sie sich ned trauen könna in Minga, oida, das machn die nur bei dena Ausländer! Scheiss auf’s Geld, hier geht es um Prinzip! Also!

Inspired by watching Christoph Süß in Quer. Kinda like the Daily Show, but less ha-ha and more hmmm. If you understand German, then you might understand why I watch the show every Thursday at 20:15 8:15pm


Actually, regardless of the 3G phaseout, many of the “connected” features are on subscription basis, usually with the a free usage period. For example, on my Hyundai Kona EV, the “Blue Link” features (remote access by app, including remote climate control, in-car emergency services (like OnStar), etc.) were free for the first 3 years. Now that I’m past that, they are disabled unless I pay $100-300/year to subscribe.

I have read that GM’s SuperCruise (hands-free driving) feature is free for 3 years and then must be subscribed at an unspecified price.

At least in the case on my Hyundai, there is no nag screen.


By the way, back in the 1960s/70s IBM sold a “minicomputer” (it only took up a quarter of the room), I believe it was the model 1401. It came standard with a base amount of main memory, say 4kB and there was an option by upgrade to double that.

As I understand it, when you buy the upgrade, the field engineer came in, opened the cabinet and cut a certain wire. That’s all.

If you found out about this wire (remember, this is before the Internet) and cut it yourself and later had to bring in an FE for maintenance and he saw the cut wire, you would be in breach of contract! IBM lawyers would rake your company over the coals!

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Sounds like my old apartment super. I think he qualified for “German as a second language” in school.


The famous Golden Screwdriver.

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Yet GMC installs OnStar on every vehicle it sells, and then bugs you constantly to sign up for their subscription. My next vehicle will be a Ford. Hopefully it won’t have any similar crapware.